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Study On The Documentaries About The American Pop Music In The New Century

Posted on:2020-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330599453270Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The documentaries about the pop music have a long history in the United States and is the important part of American documentaries.Since the beginning of the new century,the documentaries about the American pop music have shown a new state of development and shown new characteristics.In recent years,it has won the favor of Oscar repeatedly,so it has attracted extensive attention from the academic circle and the industry.The paper is based on the documentaries about the American pop music that are the research subject.It discusses from the following four parts: the first part is a brief overview that is the development history of the documentaries about the American pop music before the new century.It will summarize the main characteristics of each historical stage and important changes,which is divided into sprout period,start-up and development of three stages from birth to the development of the 1990 s of the documentaries about the American pop music.The second part focuses on the overall characteristics of the documentaries about the American pop music since the new century.According to the content,it is divided into three categories: the documentaries about the American pop music about the people category,the documentaries about the American pop music about the event category,and the documentaries about the American pop music about the knowledge category.The people category shows the personality charm of pop musicians through a variety of production techniques,which realizes efficient communication with the influence of pop musicians.The event category has kept close contact with technology for a long time in the development process,which brings shocking audio-visual experience to the audience constantly.The knowledge category aims to popularize pop music knowledge and is an important channel to spread pop music culture.The third part analyzes significant values of the documentaries about the American pop music,which include of restoring American pop music natural quality,witnessing the development course of American pop music,meeting the demand of the general public entertainment and winning the market commercial return.By specific examples of the documentaries about the American pop music,the documentaries about the American pop music enhance the aesthetic level of the audience and plays a positive role to accelerate development of pop music,in addition,it also points out the negative impact that the documentaries about the American pop music cannot be ignored.Fourth,it will have a forecast about future trend of the documentaries about the American pop music with taking the view angle of development and try to put forward the development direction of privatization,immersion and interaction.By analyzing the documentaries about the American pop music since the new century,this paper is expected to summarize the creation of the documentaries about the pop music and points out the future development direction.At the same time,it also provides methods and ideas about learning for the creators of pop music documentaries.
Keywords/Search Tags:The New Century, America, Pop Music, Documentary
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