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Research On Scene Performance Of Contemporary Hard-edged Painting

Posted on:2020-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W ShiFull Text:PDF
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In the era we are in,in simple terms,the material is fully supplied and the information is highly developed.Some people may think that we are barren in spiritual life.In fact,it is not objective.The spiritual wealth accumulated through the past and the present is enough to enable everyone to have sufficient spiritual supply.Artists in this era are also faced with more opportunities and challenges than in the past.The art of painting in the period of classicism advocates elegant and sublime themes,solemn and simple forms,emphasizing rationality and neglecting emotions.The art of painting in the modernist period emphasizes the independence of painting and dispels the function of painting as a depiction of real scenes and spaces,freeing painting from the limitations of being a realistic tool.In the field of diversified contemporary art painting,the forms and styles of painting are diverse.The simple,sharp and cold expression style of hard-edged paintings is a indispensable part of contemporary art.Hard-edged painting is also used by many Chinese and Western artists for its unique visual effects and aesthetics,and has become a widely used painting language.I very much agree with McLuhan's "media is information" point of view.Like many contemporary artists,I also believe that contemporary art is essentially a transmission of information.Each artist uses his work as a carrier and medium of information to convey information to the audience and society.I personally like the hard-edged drawing language very much,and also have a unique cognition and attitude towards the real scenes of today's society.As a painting art on a two-dimensional plane,the hard-edged painting language is organically combined with scene depiction to express more interesting and appealing scenes,and to give the scene a new meaning.This is the direction of my creation and research.The scene expression of contemporary hard-edged painting can not only express personal emotions and inner world,but also convey the audience's own cognition and attitude towards society,achieve "coolness" towards things and the real world,and create a kind of personal cognitive world."territory".In this article,I will study the scene performance of contemporary hard-edged paintings,and combine them with the experience of personal creation.This article is divided into five chapters:The first chapter expounds the status quo and trends of contemporary hard-edged paintings,and at the same time expresses the purpose and significance of the theoretical research and creative practice of the topic in contemporary art.The second chapter,through combing the art history and art theory,combines the artistic environment of the current era to gain an in-depth understanding of hard-edged painting.Through the case analysis of the artist,the paper discusses the concrete presentation of hard-edged painting in contemporary art.The third chapter focuses on the representation of scenes in the art of painting.Combing and analyze the scene depictions in art history.Analyze and study the cases depicted by the artist's scene,the combination of their scene representation and hard-edged painting.The fourth chapter takes the concrete performance of individual creation as an example to explore how contemporary hard-edged painting can be combined with scene performance.The fifth chapter summarizes and summarizes the scene performance of contemporary hard-edged paintings through the above narrative.
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary art, hard-edged painting, scene performance, personal creation
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