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A Survey Of Junior English Teachers' Use Of "Go For It"

Posted on:2019-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LiuFull Text:PDF
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This article is to study junior English teachers' textbook usage of “Go for it”textbooks(2012).The set of “Go for it” textbooks were rewritten based on the National English Curriculum Standard(NECS)(2011).Since the set of “Go for it”textbooks were put into use in the fall of 2012 and 5 total books were used up in June2015,it is necessary to combine the NECS to study junior English teachers' use of“Go for it” textbooks.Textbooks,as an important part of teachers' classroom teaching,are not written for particular learners or groups,so they can not fully meet the needs of learners from different regions and in different levels,and their ultimate destiny are in the hands of their users——teachers.The basis of teachers' teaching is the NECS,by which teachers conduct their teaching.Are teachers in-depth understanding and analysis of the NECS in face of new teaching materials? Do teachers conduct their teaching based on their full understanding of the NECS or in the guidance of the NECS? Therefore,it is necessary to investigate and analyze teachers' use of “Go for it” textbook.Problems like understanding the characteristics of the textbook,how teachers use the textbook,what the problems are in their textbook usage and how teachers solve these problems are of great significance for the textbook writing department to improve the new textbook and for teachers to use the new textbook more effectively.Therefore,the main research questions in this paper are:(1)What is the situation of teachers' new textbook usage ?(2)What is the situation of teachers' understanding of the NECS?(3)What is the relationship between teachers' new textbook usage situation and teachers' NECS understanding situation?In this study,200 English teachers from urban and rural areas of Ganzhou,Jiangxi Province were selected as research objects.This study adopts documents research,questionnaires and interviews to study teachers' textbook usage situation based on the NECS.The results show: Firstly,junior English teachers seldom base on the NECS to use the set of “Go for it” textbooks.A small number of young teachersand urban teachers use the new textbooks based on the NECS.Most older teachers,however,use new textbooks basing on the previous syllabus and examination outline.Secondly,teachers are not familiar with the NECS and ignore the importance of the NECS to guide their teaching.They do not really understand the connotation and guiding ideology of the NECS,especially teachers from rural areas with long teaching age.Lastly,there is positive correlation between teachers' new textbooks usage situation and teachers' understanding situation of the NECS.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Go for it” textbooks, the NECS, junior English teachers, teachers' textbook usage
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