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The Study Of Lu You's Six-character Poems

Posted on:2019-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330590957315Subject:Ancient literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu You has a total of 37 six-character poems,he was a poet who wrote more poems in the song dynasty.Lu yu's six words of poetry in the expression of the content and creation techniques and other aspects of the unique.However,there are not many researches on lu yu's poems.Therefore,it is necessary to carry out research on the six poems of lu yu,which is also a useful supplement to the study of the six poems of the song dynasty.This paper is divided into three chapters: The first chapter discusses the development of the six poems in song dynasty,and analyzes the creation of six poems in each period of song dynasty.The development of six poems in the song dynasty mainly went through four stages: embryonic stage,development period,peak period and decline period.During the period of the northern song dynasty,yuanyou period was an important period for the development of the six-word poetry.The second chapter is the analysis of Lu You's six-character poetry..The six poems of lu yu concentrated in the later years of the hometown.On the one hand,it is influenced by the poet's creation in the same period,on the other hand,it is also related to the poetics thought of lu yu.Section two analyzes the content and artistic characteristics.The six poems of lu you can be divided into three categories: patriotic poems,pastoral poems and philosophical poems,and his six poems are simple and natural,and they are very neat and orderly.The third section discusses the difference between lu yu and huang tingjian and liu kezhuang.Compared with huang tingjian,the two poems have different emphatic and different forms in the content.Compared with liu kezhuang,they have different aesthetic tastes and different poetic styles.The fourth section studies the status of lu yu's poems.From the development of the six poems in the song dynasty,lu yu was in the middle of huang tingjian's reform of six poems and liu kezhuang's efforts to create six poems.His six words of poems are the important parts of liuyan poetry in the song dynasty.The third chapter discusses the position and influence of Lu You's six-character poems,The first section studies the status of Lu You's six-character poems.From the perspective of the development of the Six Word Poems in the Song Dynasty,Lu You is located between Huang Tingjian's six-character poems and Liu Kezhuang's vigorously creating six-character poems.His six-character poems were written by Cheng Yuanyou's poets.Under the Qijiang Lake Poetry School,it was an important part of the Six-character poetry of the Song Dynasty.Sections 2,3,and 4 discuss the influence of Lu You's six-character poems.Judging from the three aspects of poet use,poetry selection,and ancient and modern scholars' evaluations,Lu Yu's six-character poems were obtained.The recognition of later scholars has far-reaching implications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu You, Six poem, A commentary on lu yu's poetry, Song poetry
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