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A Collaction And Research Of Du Shi Ji Shuo

Posted on:2020-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330590957029Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Following the grand occasion of " thousands of people annotating Du Fu" in the Song Dynasty,the Qing Dynasty became another peak in annotating Du Fu.During this period,there were many annotated versions of Du Fu's poems,such as Qian Qianyi's Qian Zhu Du Fu's Poems(hereinafter referred to as Qian's annotation),Zhu Heling's Du Gongbu Poetry Collection Annotation(hereinafter referred to as Zhu's annotation),Lu Yuanchang's Du Shi Chan,Wu Jiansi's Du Shi Thesis,Qiu Zhaoao's Du Shi Detailed Annotation(hereinafter referred to as Qiu's annotation),Yang Lun's Du Shi Jing Quan(hereinafter referred to as Mirror Annotation),etc.As far as Du Fu's annotation is concerned,the annotated versions of Du Fu's poems in different periods show different characteristics.At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty,the Ming and Qing Dynasties changed and the society was in turmoil.The development of Du Fu's poetics in this period was characterized by practical application and concern for reality,which was deeply reflected in Du Fu's annotations.Qian's annotation "testifies to the history by poetry" and the history of poetry testifies to each other,opening up a new situation of annotation of Du Fu's poetry in Qing Dynasty.Zhu's annotation attached great importance to the textual research of famous objects,laws and regulations,allusions and geography.During the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty,the wind of textual research prevailed,and therefore,a huge system of supporting the rich and voluminous articles,Qiu's annotation came into being.By the middle of the Qing Dynasty,Zhu Du was no longer confined to the theory of " no word,no place".It gradually turned from pursuing comprehensive works to concise and accessible works.Jiang Haoran's Du Shi Ji Shuo was a representative work of this period.It quoted the commentary of predecessors,chose good and followed,did not seek to win,and focused on clarifying poetry.Before the publication of Mirror Interpretation,Du Shi Ji Shuo was once paid attention to by scholars studying Du Fu's poems,but unfortunately,there is less attention today and the research is not deep enough.Based on the collation of ancient books,this paper intends to discuss,with the Dunyutang block-printed edition of the forty-third year(1778)of Qianlong stored in the National Library of China as the base,the Ben Li Tang block-printed edition of the forty-eighth year(1783)of Qianlong stored in the library of Taipei Palace Museum as the school-base,and various clear block-printed editions,Zhu Heling's Annotations to Du Gongbu's Poems and Qiu Zhaoao's Detailed Annotations to Du's Poems as the reference,in order to make every effort to be complete.On the basis of finishing,the following research is made on Jiang Haoran and Du Shi Ji Shuo:The first chapter studies the background and conditions of Jiang Haoran's annotation of Du Fu's poems.Through literature review,this paper investigates Jiang Haoran's life activities and the conditions for annotating Du Fu's poems.The second chapter is the completion,edition and circulation of Du Shi Ji Shuo.This chapter is based on various public and private bibliographies,collections of major libraries and other documents.On this basis,by comparing several editions of Du Shi Ji Shuo,it examines the reasons and process of its completion,its major editions and its circulation in Qing Dynasty.The third chapter is the style,annotation content and annotation features of Du Shi Ji Shuo.This chapter is based on the text of Du Shi Ji Shuo.Through text analysis,it examines its annotation style and content,and summarizes the annotation features of Du Shi Ji Shuo by comparing Du Shi Ji Shuo with Qiu Zhaoao's Du Shi Detailed Annotation.The fourth chapter is the value and deficiency of Du Shi Ji Shuo.This chapter discusses the important philological value and poetic annotation value of Du Shi Ji Shuo and reveals its position in the history.In addition,it also briefly points out the deficiency and bias of Du Shi Ji Shuo.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiang Haoran, Du Shi Ji Shuo, collation, research
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