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Analysis Of The Out-of-control Value In Painting

Posted on:2020-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H TangFull Text:PDF
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This article takes the specific elements of the picture,such as color,form,texture,trace,space,and rhythm,as the starting point,responding to and resisting the rules in our painting creation through the different values produced by three different out-of-control methods.Training issues.The first chapter is an introduction,which briefly explains the problem to be considered in this paper,that is,whether there is a possibility to resist the various disciplines appearing in painting.It also describes the content and significance of the research.The second chapter discusses in detail the three main disciplines we will encounter in painting: the discipline of painting in the historical environment,the discipline of capital choice and the discipline of individual painting inertia.From the context of art history,the author discusses the possible trend of the artist's focus on the future of the painting genre style,and tries to find a kind of success,fame and discourse right on the surface of this painting history,and explores it speculatively.Whether the benefits will ultimately be limited by this historical discipline.The second part discusses the interest of the capital system from the perspective of art institutions,galleries,and space.Artists often cannot resist these temptations and form a forced pressure,which ultimately limits the direction of creation.These huge temptations will inevitably affect the authenticity of the artist's creation and curb the enthusiasm and innocence of creation.The last part starts from the inertia of the individual's paintings and makes a vigilance against the smooth feel of the individual's paintings and the skilled muscle memory.The third chapter responds to the disciplinary problems of the three parts of the second chapter of the thesis through the out of control of three different dimensions in painting.First of all,the author summarizes the mannequins of Foucault's paintings to transform the picture through the material properties of the oil painting(length,width,front and back of the canvas),and suspend the past public's understanding of painting.It is this kind of presentation in the picture that causes the individual perception to have a huge impact and thus allows people to have new thinking about the understanding of painting and form a loss of control in thinking.Secondly,it tries to analyze the influence of the out-of-control which is formed by random accidents in the paintings of De Kuning's paintings,which is not controlled by the presets,on the screen space and rhythm.Finally,the possibility of the mental appeal and the impulse of the body in Giacometti's paintings caused the partial loss of control of the picture.This possibility is released by the body and at the same time responds to the true emotions of the artist.The fourth chapter gives a general overview of the fact that we cannot ignore these tiny possibilities in the picture.It will accumulate and linger in our minds,giving us a broader sense of aesthetics and cognition,so we still need to find these aesthetics.New possibilities.The fifth chapter summarizes and analyzes the connection between his work and this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Out of control value, Painting element, Discipline in painting, Aesthetic
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