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A Comparative Study Of Landscape Painting By Fengjianwu, Liwenxin And Huang Yuan

Posted on:2020-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Feng Jianwu,Li Wenxin and Huang Yuan are outstanding calligraphers and painters and art educators in Bashu area in the 20 th century.He is a representative landscape painter in southwest China and one of the founders of Chinese painting discipline in Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts.At the same time,the three landscape painters in the same region and working environment have made great achievements and contributions in the field of landscape painting creation and teaching.All three painters pay great attention to the observation of nature and landscape sketch.Their practice of landscape sketch has actively influenced the creation of landscape painting in Southwest China.As one of the important means of landscape painting creation in modern and contemporary Bashu area,the three painters not only were influenced by the traditional culture and art of Bashu since their childhood,but also learned and absorbed the multiculturalism and art brought by all parts of the country in the special anti-Japanese war era.The study of the three painters' landscape painting sketch art is helpful to understand and excavate the multivariate literary and artistic characteristics of Bashu area.The three painters are one of the earliest practitioners of modern landscape sketch creation,and are also the remains of the sea which were rarely studied in that period.This is also the reason why this paper studies three painters' landscape sketches together.This paper will study the three painters' landscape sketches from the aspects of material,expression and artistic techniques,and gradually analyze and compare the appearance of their works.In order to explore the new possibilities of landscape painting sketching and creative methods,and cite good examples for the exploration of personalized language and new artistic conception of landscape painting.Landscape sketch is an important breakthrough point and link in the innovation of landscape painting and the creation of individual artistic features by landscape painters.Feng Jianwu,Li Wenxin and Huang Yuan have their own advantages in exploring and presenting individualizedlandscape paintings with different aesthetic orientations and different sketching techniques,and their research may gain new benefits.At present,there are few literatures on the study of the three painters' landscape paintings,and there are fewer comparative literatures.Some of them are only for the case study of the painters.This kind of literature is usually a comprehensive discussion,and many of them are included in the collection of painters' works.The special study and comparison of the three painters' sketches may lead to new discoveries and new thinking.The three painters have different ideas,techniques and purposes for landscape painting,and each has its own characteristics and some internal links.Especially in their paintings,they all reveal the interest of wild recreation and the heart of Lin Quan.Feng Jianwu's landscape painting not only emphasizes the richness and forcefulness of stone painting,but also looks at the beauty of hills and valleys of natural landscape and the interest of life;Li Wenxin's landscape painting is in line with his creation,focusing on the refinement of the beauty of natural landscape form,ink painting,landscape creation and the pursuit of the beauty of the form of the picture;Xanthan advocates and practices painting landscape with brush strokes in cursive calligraphy,focusing on the picture.Brush and ink composition and dense relationship,bold to abandon the depth of the picture space,free and easy.Through the study and comparison of the three artists' landscape painting sketch art,to explore the cultural pluralism and artistic expression pluralism behind their art,let us think about how to better benefit and create in today's cultural and artistic pluralism.
Keywords/Search Tags:FengJianwu, Li Wenxin, Huang yuan, landscape sketch, artistic characteristics
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