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Liu Kunyi's Political Thought Research

Posted on:2020-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z LiangFull Text:PDF
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Liu Kunyi is an important and complicated figure in the modern history of China.He has a certain historical status in politics,military affairs and diplomacy.Through his lifelong speeches and actions,Liu Kunyi formed the traditional core of Confucianism in politics and thought.He internally defended the feudal landlord class rule,adhered to the Confucian ritual and law,studied foreign advanced science and technology,and established modern times.Such a political and ideological line of the military industry and put it into the rule of law.As a late Qing dynasty and military general,Liu Kunyi's political thought covers all aspects,but it is concentrated in the two aspects of the Westernization ideology and the ruling thought.This article takes Liu Kunyi's political thought as the research object and analyzes the background of the era.On the basis of it,it focuses on the main contents and basic characteristics of the two aspects of Westernization and governance in his political thoughts.In terms of foreign affairs,Liu Kun seeks truth from facts and conceives from a pragmatic perspective to get rid of poverty and weakness,enhance national strength,and improve people's livelihood.The Westernization thought can be roughly classified into two types: the thought of the rule of the Yi and the thought of the strong and the rich.Imitating Western Law to achieve the goal of strengthening national strength,and learning the culture of China and the West,in order to achieve the effect of integration,training all aspects of talents,committed to the development of modern military industry and transportation engineering,and narrow the gap between China and foreign countries.In the area of governance,during his tenure,Liu Kunyi always took people as the mainstay,paid attention to salt affairs,implemented currency reform,and was bold and resolute,showing the ancient and famous style of diligence and diligence.In Liu Kunyi's view,"governing the law is particularly expensive," advocates the careful selection of bureaucrats,severely punishes corruption,maintains social stability,and rectifies governance to achieve the goal of clearing the source of the original.In addition,in order to reduce the government's financial pressure and maintain social stability,Open source and reduce expenditure,implement salt business and currency reform.Liu Kunyi's political thoughts gradually changed with the accumulation of his life experience,and he became more perfect when he was appointed as the governor of the two rivers.However,the political behavior of his life has directly or indirectly affected the political situation at that time.To a certain extent,it has delayed the fall of the feudal dynasty in the late Qing Dynasty and promoted the evolution of China's modern history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Kunyi, Political thought, Westernization reform, Management thought
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