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The Expression Form Of Angry Emotion In Modern Chinese And Research On Teaching Chinese As A Foreign Language

Posted on:2020-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578476527Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Emotion is the attitude and experience of the individual's basic needs and desires.People's Daily life is full of various emotions.Different languages have different expressions of the same emotion.For second language learners,understanding the characteristics of emotional expression in the target language can help them better perceive the emotions of the communicative object and promote the success of communication.This paper will focus on exploring the expression characteristics of anger emotion in modern Chinese,and analyze the frequent errors of international students,so as to better conduct teaching Chinese as a foreign language and help international students accurately understand and appropriately express this emotion in the process of communication.This paper is divided into five chapters:the first chapter is the introduction,which explains the significance of the topic selection,research methods and related research status.The second chapter is about the mood angry explanation and definition of the concept of helping people understand the emotion and expression form,the third chapter from the characteristics of commonly used words and phrases,sentence expression,speech expression characteristic,the rhetoric characteristic and the context of the restriction that five aspects analyses the Chinese expression characteristics of angry mood,finishing Chinese express angry mood commonly used vocabulary phrases,sentence pattern,analyzes its speed,pitch,sound intensity characteristics,summarizes the use frequency of figures of speech,the context of the restriction is discussed.The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of some errors existing in current students,including the errors in expression and understanding,and puts forward Suggestions for the teaching of anger emotion and the teaching of Chinese emotional experience.The fifth chapter summarizes the content of this paper and analyzes the problems and shortcomings of this paperFrom the aspects of vocabulary,statement,rhetoric and pronunciation,words with"angry meaning" and interjections with angry mood can be regarded as the lexical marks of "angry" emotion.Questions and exclamatory sentences are frequently used when people are angry.The description of human organs,colors and environment can all imply the character's emotional characteristics in the form of metaphor.Angry when people are emotional,often accompanied by fast language,fast rhythm of speech,pitch ups and downs,the characteristics of the increase in intensity.These characteristics should be explained to the students as the focus of teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:angry mood, Chinese, Teaching Chinese as a foreign language
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