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Study Of Liu Xiang's XinXu

Posted on:2020-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578476240Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Xin Xu is a book written by Liu Xiang,a famous Confucian,bibliographer and writer of the Western Han Dynasty.In fact,it is an admonition book written by Liu Xiang.It was compiled by the author with a feeling of the darkness of politics at that time and was dedicated to the emperor.The book reflects Liu Xiang's loyalty to the boxing of the Han Dynasty and his profound academic accomplishment.This paper will discuss from four aspects:The first chapter is about the background of the creation of Xin Xu and the author's expectation of the work.The imperial clan makes Liu Xiang full of sense of mission and responsibility to the whole Han Dynasty.He consciously takes saving the current situation as his duty.His profound acadanic accomplishment and the position of secretary in the leading school create good conditions for the emergence of Xin Xu.According to the main ideas expressed in the book "New Preface" and the social politics at that time,Liu Xiang tried to provide the corresponding way for the emperor to govern the country through this book,and then played the role of rectifying the Han Dynasty.Secondly,the status quo of not being reused in the Chengdi Dynasty made him hope to realize his wish of revitalizing his political destiny.The second chapter is about the source of materials and the characteristics of processing and application of Xin Xu.It mainly analyses the materials cited in Xin Xu,including the choice of traditional historical works,such as Shi Ji,Zuo Zhuan and Zhanguo Policy.There are also miscellaneous quotations of various scholars,such as The Extermal Biography of Han Poetry and Lu's Spring and Autumn Period.There are also quotations of some non-historical materials,such as Jia Yi's XinYu and Huainanzi.Liu Xiang screened and processed the quoted materials in order to make them more closely related to the theme he expressed.One is to add,delete or adapt the end of raw materials to highlight the theme.The second is to integrate historical stories of different periods.The third is to add comments on raw materials and strengthen the theme.The fourth is to add the beginning and end of raw materials to make the story more complete.The third chapter is the ideological characteristics of theXin Xu,which has the respect for Confucianism.Liu Xiang's ideological tendency is Confucianism,and he is proficient in Confucian classics,and most of the ideas expressed in the Xin Xu are Confucianism.But Liu Xiang is not the only one who takes Confucianism as his only thought.The book Xin Xu reflects Liu Xiang's acceptance of other thoughts besides Confucianism.At that time,Liu Xiang broke through the limitations of Confucian classics and used hundreds of thoughts for his complicated social politics and his profound experience of reality.The fourth chapter is the literary value of Xin Xu,Although it is a Book of management,it has the same literariness that can not be ignored.From the layout,language features and novel implications of the whole article,we can see the literary features embodied in the XinXu.In addition,the literary thought contained in the XinXu has two aspects:It is reflected in the emphasis on both literary quality and the importance of emotion to creation.The influence of Xin Xu on later literature is mainly embodied in two aspects:its compiling techniques have profound enlightenment to later generations and the stories contained therein enrich the material of later novels and dramas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Xiang,Xin Xu, Ideological characteristics, Literary value
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