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A Study On The Graphic Visual Language In Wang Huaiqing's Painting

Posted on:2020-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578474701Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Huaiqing was born in Beijing before the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.He studied at the middle school of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in his early years and received training in Soviet-style realistic techniques.Afterwards,he obtained the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts,received new Western art ideas,and expanded his horizons and thinking.With the end of the Cultural Revolution,the idea that the Chinese art field was imprisoned was liberated and revived.Wang Huaiqing and his classmates established the "same generation" folk painting society in 1980 and held an exhibition at the China Art Museum.As a result,Wang Huaiqing officially entered the art scene and became the third generation of Chinese oil painters.The trip to Shaoxing in 1985 had a profound influence on Wang Huaiqing's artistic thinking and practice.After that,Wang Huaiqing gradually formed a unique personal art style.While learning the concept of Western form,Wang Huaiqing did not forget the inheritance of local culture.He took nutrients from Chinese history and culture and combined the visual symbol vocabulary of traditional art with the modern Western plane formation language.A series of traditional architectural elements are transformed creatively with contemporary ideas and facial methods to create a simple and rich formal structure,forming its unique visual language and emotional expression.In this kind of planar painting work,Wang Huaiqing has given his works a strong tension with a large picture structure and a simple and simple plane composition.He has conveyed a vicissitudes of history and a heavy cultural sense in pure painting language and visual language,sense,Formed its unique artistic style.Through combing the context of Wang Huaiqing's painting art and analyzing and interpreting his representative works,this paper explores Wang Huaiqing's planar art processing techniques and his visual language characteristics in his paintings.To study the deep thinking and value meaning of Wang Huaiqing's flat paintings.This article is divided into four chapters to explain:the first chapter from the personal experience and the influence of traditional architecture home culture two aspects combing,Wang Huaiqing flatten painting style of the formation of elements to carry on the analysis.The second chapter studies the graphic visual language in Wang Huaiqing's paintings from two aspects:color expression and space creation.The third chapter discusses the graphic visual language in Wang Huaiqing's paintings from the aspect of composition language.The fourth chapter discusses the deep meaning of graphic visual language in Wang Huaiqing's works from the perspective of visual impact and cultural reconstruction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Huaiqing, Painting, Plane, Visual, culture
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