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Research On The Construction Of Family Culture In The New Era

Posted on:2020-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578466703Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Xi Jinping made a scientific assertion that socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era.In his many speeches,General Secretary Xi mentioned that we should pay attention to the construction of family tradition.The construction of cultural culture in the new era is conducive to the realization of family tradition construction,is conducive to the establishment of a new family ethical relationship,is conducive to promoting social harmony and stability,and is conducive to the realization of the Chinese dream based on family dreams.Family culture is based on family spirit culture,with family property as the material basis,family relationship as the main link,family law,family rules,and family training as the norm of behavioral system.It is family material culture,spiritual culture,institutional culture and relationship.The sum of culture.The new era family culture refers to the family culture with Chinese characteristics based on the traditional family culture and guided by the Marxist culture thoughts and following the Xi Jinping family culture construction concept.The basic content of the culture of the new era is that the creation and diligence of the artifact culture are equal,the freedom and harmony of the spiritual culture are equal,the democracy and rules of the institutional culture are equal,and the responsibility and emotion of the relationship culture are equal.The construction of family culture is the foundation of socialist culture construction with Chinese characteristics.The core of cultural construction is the construction of values.The construction of family culture is based on cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism,relying on the construction of family spiritual culture,and promoting the comprehensive development of family members.The cultivation of responsibility awareness and ethical quality.China in the new era has entered the stage of decisive victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way.The people's longing for a better life and the demand for spiritual civilization have become increasingly strong.However,in the process of building a family culture,there are still problems of insufficient investment,weak consciousness,lack of rules and lack of subjects,which makes the construction of family culture lag behind the development of the times.In the new era,we will build a well-off society in an all-round way and implement the core values of socialism.We need the construction of family culture to implement it.Specifically,in terms of input intensity,strengthen research on theoretical culture,enrich practical activities,and implement new family culture in the family;in publicity and education,give play to the guidance of national policies,strengthen media propaganda,and grasp the school's Education;in terms of the security system,set up management institutions,improve the legal system and build a long-term mechanism;in the quality of the main body,guide family members to establish correct family culture concepts,improve moral quality and create a harmonious family culture atmosphere.In this way,the cultural construction of the new era will realize the comprehensive and free development of family members.
Keywords/Search Tags:new era, family culture, cultural construction
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