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Technical Realization Of Realistic Oil Painting Style In 3D Animation Creation

Posted on:2020-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ChuFull Text:PDF
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3D animation is a special form of film and television art,which integrates the aesthetic characteristics of painting art and film art,and has a very rich expressive force.With the rapid development of science and technology,as well as the diversified transformation of film and television art performance,visual art presents a variety of pictures for the audience.Under the impetus of this transformation force,audiences' visual aesthetic experience has become more and more abundant,and their requirements for works are more and more diverse.Traditional types of 3D animation works have been insufficient to meet the increasing needs of audiences.Under the far-reaching influence of traditional painting,many classical painting forms,such as the artistic experience created by oil painting style,are well known to the general audience,and therefore easier to be accepted by the audience.In order to seek a breakthrough and innovation in the form of creation,3D animation has been highly integrated with the style of oil painting,which has also led to tremendous changes in the production methods and manifestations of traditional 3D animation.With the release and promotion of oil painting animation works such as "To Love Van Gogh" and "The Old Man and the Sea",the new form of animation created under the influence of oil painting style has attracted more and more attention of relevant scholars.However,when domestic and foreign scholars study the relationship between the two,more attention is paid to the aesthetic level between the two.Few scholars have carefully combed the technical level between the two.However,as a type of animation which depends heavily on technology,the innovation and development of 3D animation must be supported by technology.Therefore,in the study of realistic oil painting style and three-dimensional animation,it is necessary to carry out technical research.This paper will focus on the realistic oil painting style in the oil painting style.Through the research on the technical realization of realistic oil painting style in the three-dimensional animation creation,it explores the close relationship between realistic oil painting and three-dimensional animation creation.Firstly,realistic oil painting style occupies an important position in the field of oil painting.When the visual language form of realistic oil painting style carries out a new research and exploration in the field of animation,it not only inherits realistic oil painting style art,but also promotes the continuation and innovative development of traditional painting art in the new media art environment.Secondly,the realistic oil painting style of painting language applied to the study of three-dimensional animation creation,for both the development of artistic style and research are breakthrough exploration.On the one hand,it broadens the performance field of the three-dimensional animation art,enriches the expression forms of the three-dimensional animation creation language,displays the unique emotional expression and creative thinking space of the picture;on the other hand,it also makes the manifestation forms of three-dimensional animation more diversified,and promotes the development of oil painting type animation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Realistic Oil Painting, 3D animation, Constituent Elements, Technical Implementation
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