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Report On The E-C Translation Of The Poor Miss Finch(Chapter1-5)

Posted on:2020-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
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As the globalization process accelerates gradually,the interactions between countries are increasingly close,in term of which,the cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent.With more and more foreign literature works are introduced to China,the translation of novels plays an important role in promoting the cultural exchanges between China and other countries.This passage is the report on the English-Chinese translation of Poor Miss Finch?chapter1-5?which is wrote by the19th British novelist,William Wilkie Collins.It is a story about a blind girl regains sight while finding herself in a romantic triangle with twin brothers.The source text is a sensational story in which the“I”,Madame Pratolungo narrates the basic information of the protagonist Miss Finch and her love feelings from the first-character perspective.During the translation process,through analyzing and comparing the expression habits and standards of Chinese and English,the translator masters the characteristics of the two languages so as to make the translation appropriate and acceptable to Chinese readers.The author takes the skopos theory which belongs to the German functional school as the guidance of the translation,through narrating its concept and rules,on the basis of the understanding of the source text language and its style characteristics,to prove the skopos theory can guide the translation of novels via case studies.The passage consists of five parts.The first and second parts are about the translation project introduction and pre-translation preparations.The third part is the basic information about the skopos theory including its concept,development and three basic translation rules.In the fourth part,the author describes the application of the theory to make the version acceptable to Chinese readers by the way of case study.The last is the gains and limitations of the translation activity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poor Miss Finch, skopos theory, sensational novel
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