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Research On Tang Poetry's Dictionary Of Shi Shuo Xin Yu

Posted on:2020-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575961308Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The affiliation code is a kind of expression technique commonly used in Chinese classical poetry.In the "Wen Xin Diao Long",Liu Xie interprets the "use of the code" as"according to the meaning of the matter,and aiding the ancients to prove the present." It is obvious that the purpose of the use of the code is to use the ancient proof of the present,to use the analogy of the past,and to borrow the ancients.The use of allusions not only helps the poet to express his personal feelings,but also enables the poetry to achieve a simple and rich artistic effect.From the beginning of the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the peak of poetry development in the Tang Dynasty,the art of poetry was gradually matured.The number of poetry used in the Tang Dynasty was quite considerable.The sources of the allusions were extensive and complicated.According to the author,according to the Dictionary of the Complete Tang Poetry Dictionary According to the source statistics of(updated book),most of them come from"Historical Records","Zuo Zhuan","Han Shu","Han Han Shu","Book of Songs","The Analects of Confucius","Zhou Yi","Three Kingdoms"," The ten kinds of documents,such as Shi Shuo Xin Yu and Zhuang Zi,are clustered in more than 7,000 classics,of which 340 are from Shi Shuo Xin Yu,accounting for about 5% of the total.Shi Shuo Xin Yu has become a prominent phenomenon in Tang poetry."Shi Shuo Xin Yu" is a famous Chinese classic novel of a total of 36 novels.It mainly describes the rhetoric and the anecdote of the Han and Wei Dynasties.Over time,the complete storyline,three-dimensional character setting,etc.,"Shi Shuo Xin Yu" has become a real source of the spiritual characteristics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the cultural characteristics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties.The fundamental reason why the poets of the Tang Dynasty used the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" allusion was that the Wei and Jin dynasties had a profound influence on the spirit and character of the Tang Dynasty poets.The use of the allusions of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" is not only the poet's pursuit of artistic effects,but also the natural choice of the poet in the Tang Dynasty and the inevitable choice after the match between the Wei and Jin styles.A cultural resonancephenomenon in Tang poetry.According to the author's statistics,the poets of the Tang Dynasty poets who used the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" allusions were prominent poets such as Wang Bo,Yang Lan,Lu Zhao-lin,Luo Binwang,Li Wei,etc.,with Li Wei as the most;Li Tang,Du Fu,poet of the Tang Dynasty Wang Wei,Meng Haoran,Wei Yingwu,etc.,Meng Haoran is the most;the middle Tang poets Meng Jiao,Li He,Bai Juyi,Liu Changqing,etc.,with Liu Changqing as the most;late Tang poets Li Shangyin,Du Mu,Wen Tingyu,Wei Zhuang,etc.,Weizhuang is the most.In general,the most widely used allusions of the poets of the Tang Dynasty were speech,birthday,and tolerance.But the types of allusions that poets prefer to use in each period are different.In accordance with the standards of previous scholars,the author roughly divided the allusions of the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" used by the poets of the Tang Dynasty into the following eight categories: one,showing the introverted psychic spirit;the second,expressing the seclusion and returning to the field;the third,praising the character style;Among them,the poets in the early Tang Dynasty preferred the two types of allusions to praise the characters and praise the face.The reason is that the imperfect social system brought the "unfairness" to the literati,and the literati born in the cold door was often used by Wei Jin to be recognized and successful.The children of the cold door come to ask themselves,such as Le Guang,Zhang Hua,Shan Tao and others,and the Greek enterprises have the same opportunity to be appreciated.And the poets of the early Tang Dynasty,like the Wei and Jin Dynasties,highly valued the personal demeanor and appearance of their tastes.They admired the taste of Jin people in their personal hobbies.The admiration and imitation of the Wei and Jin celebrities became extremely important and prominent in the creation life of the early Tang poets.Part of it;the poets in the Tang Dynasty prefer to use the introverted and appropriate spirit and praise the character style.The reason is that the relatively open-minded politics and open cultural atmosphere in this period contributed to the self-confidence and aggressiveness of the prosperous and powerful people.Poetic passion and enjoyment,the spirit of the Wei and Jin celebrities has become their spiritual beliefs,such as the spirit of the seven sages of the bamboo forest transcending the rituals;the poets in the middle of the Tang dynasty prefer to use the ideas of expressing meritorious service and showing the indulgent and pragmatic spirits.To bequality,not only concerned about politics,enthusiasm for careers,but also expressed eagerness to make meritorious deeds,but had to evade.In the pursuit of spiritual pursuits and secular choices,they have chosen to immerse themselves in personal life hobbies,often showing a sleek and true nature,but this true nature is more or less mixed with some hypocrisy and solitude;The Tang poets prefer to use the expression of seclusion to return to the field and express the sense of national grief.The reason is that in the late Tang society,the internal and external troubles,the social contradictions deepened,and the Tang Dynasty approached the demise,which made the poets began to pursue the social innovation and remediation.Turning to a passive attitude of avoiding the world,they intend to guarantee their relatively independent social ideals and personality values through seclusion.It can be seen from the above that the poet's use of the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" in the Tang Dynasty is the fit and blend of their hearts with the Wei and Jin dynasties.To a certain extent,it reflects the poet's emotional attitude and value orientation.They are entrusted to the story of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" as feelings,beliefs,revealing and criticizing the dark reality,confiding and fighting against their own fate and destiny,sympathy and compassion for the world,and the Tang Dynasty.Encouragement and indignation,the admiration and imitation of the ancestors and friends.The Tang Dynasty poet's use of the dictionary "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" is their means of venting emotions and the means of expressing their thoughts,thus realizing the original intention of the poet's use of the dictionary "Shi Shuo Xin Yu",that is,through the allusion to express deeper hidden,never or The inconvenient connotation allows the reader to understand the poet's intentions and sentiments after understanding the ins and outs of the allusions.In terms of art,the Tang Dynasty poets used the "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" allusions to make poetry with concise and precise language,while increasing the "literary interest" of Tang poetry,making the language expression interesting;also making poetry in the form of genre,word count and other external forms.Under the strict requirements,the complete image is constructed,the cascading mood is created,and the complex emotions are expressed,thus satisfying the basic requirements of poetry implied and expanding the "inner" capacity of poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang poetry, "Shi Shuo Xin Yu", allusions, characteristics, reasons
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