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A Study On Grazia Deledda Novels From The Perspective Of Feminism

Posted on:2020-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q QingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575956267Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Grazia Deledda(1871-1936)is a representative of Italian realism.Her life pen-ploughing,created more than 50 works,including novels,essays,poetry sets,autobiography and other literary forms.Her masterpiece,The Road to Evil,The Reed in the Wind,Mother,earned her a worldwide reputation.Deledda with the emotional relationship between men and women,especially love and affection as the core of the creation,which makes her works with a strong ethical and religious color,especially Deledda works on women's description is to provide a textual reference for the rise of feminism in the 20 th century.In the 1926,Deledda the Nobel Prize for Literature for her idealistic creations depicting life on her native island in a clear styling way,and for treating general human problems with a deep and compassionate attitude.Due to the late translation time and short duration of Deledda works in China,in the 80 's,the translator Lu Tong liu and others began to introduce Deledda works into the country.At present,scholars ' research on Deledda focuses on the interpretation of archetypal image,narrative discourse and structure in a single work,and there are still many fields that need to be filled in Deledda research.In view of this,this paper jumps out of the previous research in the single works of the rut,choose the Deledda literary creation process of the representative three works "The Road to Evil","Reed in the Wind","Mother",with feminist literary criticism theory to analyze and study it.Explore what feminist topics are involved in Deledda's works? How do these topics manifest themselves through the text? What is the significance or value of her creation to the development of feminist theory in later generations? The 1th chapter analyzes the text of "The Road to Evil",which presentsMaria as a woman in the patriarchal society who is trapped in the family,and has no autonomy in the choice of marriage as the survival status quo.The 2nd chapter of the text analyzes "Reed in the Wind" in the Noemi as a woman to fight the patriarchal society to build themselves,seek the value of life of the difficult life,and introduced the male servant Effix a corner,trying to fully display the literary image of Noemi in his critical examination.The 3rd chapter analyzes the living conditions of women in the mother and the potential flow of rights between men and women,and points out that the root of the tragedy of the mother's life lies in the loss of self-sustenance of life in such circumstances as the son of the patriarchal society as the representative of the sons of the mother is the overall right to control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grazia Deledda, Feminism, The Road to Evil, The Reed in the Wind, Mother
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