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The Research On The Finance And The Ming Notes Of Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2020-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S C LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575464942Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since Ming Yingzong carried out the "Golden Flower and Silver" system in the orthodox years,the proportion of the Ming Dynasty's finance changed from collecting objects to collecting silver showed an expanding trend,and to the implementation of the "one whip law",the change from the physical sign to the silver sign was more obvious.But before the large-scale fiscal collection of silver,the Ming Dynasty in the early fiscal revenue and expenditure items in the larger collection and expenditure currency-Ming Notes.Therefore,in-depth study of the relationship between Ming Notes and Ming Dynasty finance is helpful to better understand the monetary and financial system of Ming Dynasty.Hongwu eight years,Ming Dynasty issued Ming Notes,began to carry out banknotes.The purchasing power of Ming Notes,as a kind of non-cashing notes,mainly derives from the authority and reputation of the government.In the initial stage,because of the natural advantages of banknotes,Ming Notes played a better role.But as government issuance soared and spending was excessive,the popularity of the notes in the private sector continued to fall.In order to maintain the creditworthiness of precious banknotes,the Ming government used a variety of methods,especially financial means to rescue banknotes.On the one hand,the new system of precious notes slows down the devaluation of notes in the short term,and even recovers somewhat,but on the other hand,it collects precious notes by means of fiscal revenue and expenditure.The pros and cons often go hand in hand.This paper attempts to explore the above-mentioned problems from the perspective of Bao banknotes and finance.According to the information and the research situation,this paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which mainly includes three parts:the origin and significance of the topic,the review of the study of the academic history,the research method and the innovation.The second chapter is to introduce the financial and expenditure structure of the Ming Dynasty and the kind of legal currency in the Ming Dynasty.The currency of circulation recognized by the country in this period mainly includes three forms of copper,silver and money in the Yuan Dynasty.In the third chapter,the paper expounds the distribution and circulation of the paper money and the management system of the government's bank notes,and it is divided into two categories: temporary and fixed-quality expenditure according to the difference of the way of fiscal money-counting.The system as well as the situation of the financial bills,the reasons for the depreciation of the precious notess in the actualcirculation;The fourth chapter deals with a series of banknotes rescue activities carried out by the Ming government in the light of the devaluation of precious notes,which was carried out by the government of the Ming Dynasty by means of conventional means and fiscal means,in addition to implementing more stringent administrative decrees and tightening monetary policies.Also mainly through the way of fiscal revenue back to treasure money.The last chapter analyzes the influence caused by the adjustment and reform of the Ming government to the system of precious notes and the way of saving money,mainly from the three aspects of monetary system,national finance and civil society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming dynasty, Ming notes, Finance, the notes rescue plan
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