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Analysis And Research Of Music Choreography

Posted on:2020-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Music choreography is one of the choreography methods.It is a choreography method based on music.Dance choreographers are required not only to be good at in-depth analysis,understanding and application of music,but also to have certain experience in dance creation and solid knowledge of dance theory.When choreographers use the method of "music choreography",they should draw lessons from the musical form and structure of music to create dance works,and follow the principles of creation of dance works,emphasizing the relationship between dance works and music in terms of rhythm,rhythm,melody,emotion,style and structure to establish a "mutually reinforcing,harmonious and unified" relationship.Rational use of "music choreography and dance" in creation can make choreographers correctly recognize the importance of music to dance creation,and enrich choreography techniques from multi-level and multi-angle,strengthen the innovative consciousness and ability of choreographers,and improve the comprehensive quality and professional level of choreographers.This article mainly takes the composing method and practice of "music choreography and dance" as the breakthrough point,through the analysis of the application and composing practice of "music choreography and dance",combining with my own understanding of the concept of "music choreography and dance" and the practical exploration of the original dance works "We" and "All Things",attempts to carry out a more detailed compiling method of "music choreography and dance" from various levels and angles.Further analysis and interpretation will provide a new perspective for the theory,method and practice of choreography.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music choreography, Method, Dance, Music
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