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The Evolution Of Lu Su's Image In The Romance Of The Three Kingdoms

Posted on:2020-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330572977266Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms,Lu Su's image is not as vivid as Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang,but his literary value cannot be ignored.Lu Su had advanced strategic thinking and made a unique contribution to the development and growth of Wu in history.With the development of the times,Lu Su has derived many different images in literary creation.In the period of Wei,Jin and South and North Dynasties,the people lived in abyss of suffering because society became turbulent and unsafe.Lu Su was indifferent to wealth but concerned about virtue,and he has a high ambition.Especially after Zhou Yu introduced him to Sun Wu,he played an important role in major historical events such as Sun Wu Alliance,Chibi War,and Single-handedness.During the Tang Dynasty,many popular poems were published,many of which praised Lu Su's noble qualities and great achievements.His image is very stalwart.During the Song and Yuan Dynasties,opera and script became the main genre of literary creation.The image of Lu Su is more vivid,but it has deviated from the true image in history.His image has gradually staggered and distorted,showing a kind of unassuming image.Mostly Lu Su's image was the foil of other heroes and lacked the charm of a strategist.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Lu Su's image was basically stereotyped in The Three Kingdoms Popular Romance by Luo Guanzhong.At this time,the image of Lusu is basically in line with historical facts.But the author was more subjective and influenced by Yuan Dynasty operas,Lu Su was put on a very loyal and honest coat.All in all,Lu Su not only has the ability to command and lead,but also has the ability to mastermind.But in literatus' works,the evolution of Lu Su's image from all-powerful image to honest image was revealed on the whole.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Su, image, evolution
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