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Research On The "Stele Of Shi Chen" In Han Dynasty

Posted on:2020-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Qing Dynasty,the research of Jinshixue has become a common practice.The study of ancient stone carvings has become the research direction of more and more gold stone scholars.As a famous inscription on the temple in the Eastern Han Dynasty,"Shichenbei" has been recorded by many stone scientists since its unearthing.In 1998,it was moved into the Hanwei Inscription Exhibition Hall in Kongfu County,Quftu County,Jining City,Shandong Province,with high research value.This article is based on the "New Compilation of Stone Inscriptions",and has compiled more than 40 gold stone scholars who have recorded this monument.Through refining the basic information,historical facts,textual extensions and calligraphy styles of "Shichenbei".Conduct a comparatively comprehensive comparative analysis study.At the same time,through field investigations,photograph and measure the original appearance and size of the monument,in order to obtain a more realistic look,and provide a useful refer ence for the study of "Shichenbei".The bibliographic research work lays a solid found ation.
Keywords/Search Tags:The "Stele of Shi Chen", Cataloguing, Research
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