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New Century Ink Painting

Posted on:2020-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T PanFull Text:PDF
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Liujinan is an ideological artist,not only in the field of ink painting,but also the pioneer of ink,constantly looking for a variety of ink language expression.Since the 1980 s art trend of thought,Liujinan has been active on the stage of contemporary art.He is the dean of the Academy of Fine Arts of the Capital Normal University.At the same time,he is also known as the leader of the new ink painting school in the art world.The word new is enough to show that he is a determined Chinese painting reformer.He pursues the modern form of Chinese painting,strives to evade the expression of traditional ink painting,and pursues a more liberal contemporary ink painting.From this,Liujinan's contemporary ink painting is different from others and can be expanded.His works have the contemporary cultural temperament,the pursuit of "ink and ink to reveal the temperament",his mind and thoughts are real,in his ink art,more in the interpretation of the deep connotation of the work and cultural quality.This kind of emotional resonance from the depths of his heart is his unique painting atmosphere,but also an important source of Liujinan's art creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary ink, Liu Jinan, exploration
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