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The Study Of Xinzhou Academy In Ming And Qing Dynasties

Posted on:2018-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330518482445Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Wenjin academy is located in Wuhan,Hubei province,which named after the allusion "Confucius let Zilu asked at the ferry".Based on the author's research it was not happen in Xinzhou,but was irrefutable that behind the Wenjin academy carrying and sustenance the local people on the Ming Dynasty Confucianism orthodoxy and hope.The first began in the Ming Dynasty,Long Renfu built room and gave lectures under Confucius mountain,after years it was rebuilt and named in the Ming dynasty.The two generation Ming and Qing Dynasties is the climax of the development of Wenjin academy.At that time,the academy gave lectures flourish,leading the trend of the eastern Hubei province.Huang zhou area where the academy is located,imperial examinations approval number is far ahead in Hubei,were praised "wei chu you cai,huang zhou wei sheng."Wenjin College from Long Renfu build room to gave lectures to a total of more than six hundred years before and after the reform in the late Qing dynasty time,through three dynasties,has various reasons because of the war and even house collapse into the downturn,but will eventually revival and reproduce the brilliant,show the exuberant of the college,is a microcosm of the development of ancient education Hubei province.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction about the origin of the study and the current research achievements in related fields;the second part discusses about the establishment and development of academy and discussed the origin of the name Wenjin academy,which shows the development status of Wenjin academy;the third part discusses the inclusion of funding,management,apprentices and other content;the fourth part discusses the function of Wenjin academy,sacrifice lectures,classes and books,book carving activities;the last part of the conclusion is an independent chapter,summarizes the characteristics of the academy.Wenjin academy was original initiated by the civil power Force,which smoothly operating in a hundred years,integration,adjusting two forces operating in the gentry and ultimately maintain their independence.Therefore,not only helps to clear the historical development of Wenjin academy,enrich existing research results,but also on the current research on how to effectively integrate the civil power to form together with the official forces,and jointly promote the development of education is of great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wenjin academy, Establish, Development, Operation, Function, Characteristics
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