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About "Get Peace" Writing Report

Posted on:2018-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The term "Chinese paintings" is widely used after the nineteenth century,which as a collective name for Chinese traditional paintings is employed to distinguish the Chinese traditional paintings from the oil painting,water color,sketch,and other painting categories.The fine-brush flower and bird painting belongs to "Chinese painting",with its artistic style being established in Tang Dynasty and being matured in Five Dynasties.In Song Dynasty,the technique of the fine-brush flower and bird painting reached to its highest level.The greatest charm of fine-brush flower and bird painting lies in the artistic conception conveyed in the painting.Artistic conception is the painter' s emotion.We usually appreciate the fine-brush flower and bird painting from two aspects:the beauty of the traditional form,and the connotation of the theme.The beauty of form mainly refers the organic combinations of colors,lines,shapes,light and shade,space and so on in the picture.Among the combinations,the combination of color and line are more important to the fine-brush flower and bird painting,because it can reflect the delicate and meticulous traditional features of this painting category.Different combinations of color and line can produce different dimensional effect.What ' s more,different compositions can convey different emotions.The sparse shape composition reveals the lonely emotion;the complicate composition expresses the contented emotion,the unrestrained composition reveals the liberal affection,and lofty composition shows the stirring mind.Therefore,the composition is an important media for an artist to reveal her or his inner emotions and sensibilities.Any variation of the composition can cause the change of the perception and emotion,revealing the artist' s different cultural personality and psychology.As a modern fine-brush bird and flower painting practitioners,we should enrich our hearts through constant study,exploring the essence of the fine-brush flower and bird painting,and keep the creative spirit during the booming times.Furthermore,in the pluralistic society,we need to employ new materials and techniques to confer the painting category diverse patterns of manifestation,yet at them same time we need to inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese painting.My creation of the fine-brush flower and bird painting"Perceiving the Secluded World" conveys my passionate feelings and delicate meditation towards life.The thesis consists of three parts.The first part demonstrates the source of my inspiration of creating the painting;the second part focuses on my detailed creating process of painting the orchid;the last part presents my insights and reflections on my choice of the orchid subject matter.Out of my inadequate experience in painting,the deficiency in my painting is inevitable.To make amends for this,I will improve my painting ability through diligent study in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fine brushwork flower and bird painting, form, artistic conception and creation
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