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The Research On French Students' Acquisition Of "" Pattern

Posted on:2017-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330485970972Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Lian" pattern is not only one of the hot issues in the field of modern Chinese grammar discussion,but also an important language point in Chinese teaching.Moreover,it is one of the difficult points for Chinese learners.However,current academic studies which discuss the foreign learners' acquisition characteristics and rules of "Lian" pattern are very few,and not deep enough.Therefore,how to study and teach"Lian" pattern is worth thinking especially in the field of overseas Chinese teaching.This thesis,from the perspective of overseas Chinese teaching,selects""pattern in"Lian"sentence so as to have a comprehensive study and uses comparative analysis and error analysis theories to do a research on the errors which are made by French college students when they use "Lian" pattern in their Chinese learning progress.This thesis uses an questionnaire to interview 40 students from Chinese department of Artois University and uses the methodology of sample survey to examine their mastery of the target pattern.Error analysis theory is applied to make an investigation of the usage situation of French learners,such as counting error rate,explaining the causes of these errors,constructing French learners' acquisition order of ""pattern,summarizing the factors which influenced the acquisition of this pattern.In this way,we try to make some suggestions to overseas Chinese teaching in France.This thesis is divided into five chapters:the first chapter introduces the causes and significance of this research and gives a brief description of the corpus sources and research methods.The second chapter mainly compares ""pattern and "Meme" pattern.By analyzing the similarities and differences of the two patterns,we estimate the acquisition situation of French students and introduce the theories and questions of the questionnaire.The third chapter outlines French students' acquicition of ""pattern.This chapter is divided into three parts.The first part systematically analyzes the results of the survey which reflects that the 40 French students have strong ability to understand Chinese characters and""pattern,but the correct rate is relatively low in pragmatics.The second part comparatively analyzes the difference of usage situation between French students and native speakers.The third part generalizes French students'errors in using this pattern and constructs their acquisition order.What's more,this part concludes French students';different error types,for example,missing component,superfluous component,sentence combination,and sentence disorder.Among all these types,sentence disorder has the largest proportion.The forth chapter summarizes the affecting factors in French students'acquisition of ""pattern from the perspectives of language learning strategy and teaching strategy.We find that French students' acquisition of ""pattern is effected by their mother tongue,especially in the sentence order.In addition,the choreography and interpretation of this pattern in teaching materials and teaching methods also affect students' acquisition of this pattern.The fifth chapter put forward several corresponding suggestions about""pattern in terms of teaching materials and teaching strategies.We hope that they will be helpful for overseas Chinese teachers especially for those who work in France.Owing to the difference between Chinese and French,there are similarities and differences between ""pattern and "Meme" pattern.Students struggle from the impact of their mother tongue and it impairs the correct use of Chinese.Therefore,enhancing the contrast of the two languages in the teaching process is necessary.From the perspective of students,this thesis analyzes the causes of the errors of ""pattern and predicts students' problems and difficulties in the process of learning this pattern.We also find the appropriate teaching strategies to help students overcome the interference of their mother tongue at the source in order to hinder their ability in communicating effectively in Chinese.
Keywords/Search Tags:"" Pattern, Error analysis, Acquisition, French students
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