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A Study On ZhuXi's XunMeng Quatrains

Posted on:2020-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J XiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596979931Subject:Chinese classical literature
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ZhuZi,as a master of neo-confucianism,devoted himself to lecturing and writing all his life,which pushes Confucianism to a new height.His XunMeng Quatrains started from the "heaven" and ended in the "servicing heaven" and most of the quatrains are named after the chapters and sentences in the Four Books and the concepts of neo-confucianism.Meanwhile,argumentation is often used in the poetry.Therefore,the poetry can be regarded as the foundation work for the establishment of ZhuZi's neo-confucianism system in the future.The article is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is the introduction of the creation of the XunMeng Quatrains and the version of the changes.ZhuZi's neo-confucianism inherits and develops the some theories of ZhouDunyi,ZhangZai,the Cheng brothers.Finally,he constructs its own rigorous system of neo-confucianism.Among his many works,the most mature work that can embody his neo-confucianism achievements is the JiZhu of the Four Books' s chapters and sentences.And the XunMeng Quatrains is ZhuZi's experience of reading the Four Books silently in his early illness.Nowadays,there are more than one hundred XunMeng Quatrains that have been handed down.And there is no shortage of revisions among them.What's more,there are many differences in the specific items and order of the editions.Its printing work mainly focused on the Qing Dynasty,and it's often printed together with forgeries.The second chapter mainly discusses the interest of much philosophy and the "sages' meteorology" in the XunMeng Quatrains.The first section mainly discusses the rational and interesting colors in ZhuZi's poems.Through the introduction and analysis of other philosophical poems written by ZhuZi,the characteristics of the XunMeng Quatrains are discussed.Compared with other parts of philosophical poems written by ZhuZi,the XunMeng Quatrains lacks the image,most of these poems value theory over interest,and elaborates theory directly.However,the other parts of familiar philosophical poems written by ZhuZi mostly borrow various images to explain,they are both reasonable and interesting.Meanwhile,the theory is relatively tortuous and meaningful.In the second section,part of the XunMeng Quatrains is selected to focus on the "sages' meteorology".The "sages' meteorology" was first put forward as a neo-confucianism term by neo-confucianists in the Song Dynasty,with the development of the influence of neo-confucianism,this theory was gradually accepted by the poets of that time.What's more,some poetry critics take it as the standard to evaluate the quality of poetry creation.Therefore,the "sages' meteorology" influences not only the individual poems of the neo-confucianists,but also some of the poets.The third chapter mainly expatiates the argumentation embodied in the XunMeng Quatrains.Based on the neo-confucianism thought embodied in the content of each poem,the content of the XunMeng Quatrains is divided into four parts: ontology,the theory of mind and soul,the theory of effort,the theory of realm.On this basis,the connotation of its neo-confucianism is discussed in depth,then its veins are clarified,thus its embodiment of the neo-confucianism thought is systematically discussed.Finally,the significance of the construction of Zhu Zi's neo-confucianism ideology is discussed.The fourth chapter discusses the thought of traditional enlightenment in the XunMeng Quatrains.First of all,this paper makes a qualitative analysis of the text of the XunMeng Quatrains.Secondly,the article explains the part of poems about primary school and university in the XunMeng Quatrains.Thirdly,this paper selects some works related to the XunMeng Quatrains that were written by predecessors to study,then it discusses and summarizes the inheritance and innovation of the XunMeng Quatrains compared with the predecessors.Finally,ChenChun's Primary School Poetry,ZhuZi's Primary School and Children's Knowledge have been compared with the XunMeng Quatrains,this paper focuses on the new and different aspects of ZhuZi's XunMeng Quatrains compared with these works,it reveals the realistic significance and influence of the XunMeng Quatrains under the background of Song and Ming Dynasties.
Keywords/Search Tags:the XunMeng Quatrains, poetics, neo-confucianism, traditional enlightenment
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