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The First Exploration Of Du Mu's Criticism In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2020-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596971289Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Du Mu was good at writing articles and painting.His literary talent still existed in the Song Dynasty.His poems are various in form,his writing is profound,most of them are realistic works.Moreover,he has a progressive literary outlook,so he is highly respected by the Song people.Among the numerous works of the Song Dynasty,such as poems,notes,poems and essays,and notes on Du's poems,there are many comments on Du Mu and his poems and essays.This article takes the Song people's criticism of Du Mu as the research object,summarizes its content and characteristics,and explores its significance and value.The first part is to sort out and summarize the Song people's comments on Du Mucai's talent and temperament.As an aristocrat,Du Mu was brilliant,influenced by his family background and good at discussing soldiers.He had commented on the book Sun Tzu.Because of the literati's interest,the Song people appreciated Du Mu's traveling and handsome beauty very much,and even admired it.But more importantly,people in Song Dynasty affirmed Du Mu's knowledge and literature,believed that Du Mu dared to discuss major events and pointed out the wrong places.The second part is to summarize and analyze the Song people's criticism of Du Mu's poems.People in Song Dynasty appreciated Du Mu's poems deeply,delicately conceived,rhythmic and good at evaluation.They also commented on the theme,style,rhythm and rhetoric of Du Mu's poems.The Song people criticized Du Mu's poems in four aspects: on the theme of Du Mu's poems,they speculated that his nostalgic poems and palace CI had excellent works;on Du Mu's poetry style,they thought that both heroic and strange;on Du Mu's style and rhythm,they thought that the absolute sentences were most praised;on the rhetoric of Du Mu's poems,they concluded that Du created new allusions when Textualizing Du Mu poems.The third part is to summarize and analyze the Song people's criticism of Du Mu's articles.Song people's comments on Du Mu's articles are mainly concentrated in the "A Fang Gong Fu","Wan Qing Fu","Preface to Li HeJi","Epitaph of Li Kan","Epitaph of Self-written Epitaph" and other articles,involving many styles such as Fu,Preface and Epitaph.While commenting on the theme and style of his articles,Du Mu's literary propositions are also distinguished.In view of the Song people's criticism of Du Muwen,this paper adopts the method of case analysis and combines several representative articles of Du Muwen to distinguish the Song people's criticism.The fourth part summarizes the basic characteristics of Du Mu's criticism in the Song Dynasty,that is,the coexistence of "poetry" and "reason" and the emphasis on righteousness.The characteristics of "poetry" are mainly embodied in the style of "poetry" criticism and the way of poetry criticism.Du Mu's criticism in the Song Dynasty has various styles,such as poems,letters,prefaces and postscripts,notes,historical theories,poems and comments,etc.In addition,critics vividly express their own aesthetic pursuit by using various poetic expressions,such as contrast,analogy and metaphor.Du Mu's criticism in the Song Dynasty also embodies distinct rational characteristics,which are evaluated from the perspective of the poet's image and poetic style and appearance,analyzed and identified from the use of allusions and their origins,and cut into the use of legal style;not only the evaluation of Du Mu's talent and poetry,but also the analysis of Du Mu's literary expression.The fifth part explores the significance and value of Du Mu's criticism in the Song Dynasty.It mainly includes the following five aspects: in-depth discussion guarantees the existence and spread of Du Mu's literary anthology;based on the historical point of view,affirms Du Mu's political character and literary achievements;collects data to provide basic historical data for the interpretation of Du Mu's poems;identifies the meanings of problems,and provides important reference for future generations;explores and interprets allusions,and further studies Lingering charm of Du Mu's poems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty, Du Mu, Criticism, Value
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