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Silence And Alienation

Posted on:2020-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Edward Hooper is one of the most important artists in the 20 th century.He reflected the American social scene at the time with his unique style of painting and the expression of the metaphor,and his work was in a strong sense of the American style.The loneliness of the urban scene is the main emotional atmosphere in his work,and the window and the light are the important symbols of his expression of the lonely city,and the loneliness is the core subject of his artistic performance.This paper explores his unique artistic style by analyzing his background,the human environment and the causes of his painting style.Through the analysis of the formal language,the author interprets the painting techniques in his works and the loneliness of the works.The relationship between the walls.His works mainly describe the modern life of the United States in the 20 th century,which mainly describes the modern life of the United States in the 20 th century,and reflects the influence of the times on his emotions.In this paper,the significance and emotion hidden behind the loneliness in the works are also discussed in the study of Hooper's works,and finally,the real interpretation of the time and the profound influence of the artistic style on the later generations are also discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Light and shadow, loneliness, city, alienation
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