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The Study Of Su Xinping's Drawing Art

Posted on:2020-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhengFull Text:PDF
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Su Xinping is a well-known contemporary artist.He became famous for his prints in the early stage,then began to explore the field of oil painting,and introduced the printmaking elements into oil painting,which left a valuable mark in contemporary art.In Su Xinping's artistic career,he has always been looking for pure artistic techniques,in the artistic form and techniques to do a return to the truth.The art market has always sought after works of art that have formed styles,but Su Xinping is reluctant to stagnate in a certain style.He believes that once a style is formed,it means repetition,and works catering to other people's tastes will exhaust his artistic life.Through the analysis of Su Xinping's educational background and early life experience,it is known that his childhood painting hobbies have enlightening effect on his art,and his study of printmaking at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts has laid the foundation of his art.During the period of the Central Academy of Fine Arts,Su Xinping had a strong interest in the intuitive expression of lithography,and began to explore the field of lithography.During this period,he created a number of works on grassland subjects,and became famous in the World War I of Modern Chinese Art Exhibition.After that,instead of continuing the road of printmaking,Su Xinping turned to oil painting.For him,the reason for entering the field of oil painting is very simple,which is to pursue the most practical and intuitive artistic expression.Su Xinping's oil paintings are divided into three stages.The first stage is the reflection of material and desire.He uses the image of modern urbanite to explain this problem.Every painting seems to be a partial and a captured motive.These works are the reflection of the whole society through the partial view of the artist,reflecting the current situation of the whole society.In the second stage,Su Xinping explored the relationship between man and nature with scenery.The "scenery" he painted was not a corner of the real world,but a kind of mind-to-scenery.At first,there were some figures in the scenery.But in later series of paintings,the figures were gradually hidden from the picture,because he thought that human beings were only part of nature,not the scale of all things.? By the third stage,he had abandoned all the subjects in the picture.There was no specific reference to any image in the picture.The whole painting process was full of uncertainty,but also full of infinite possibilities.Although he violates the traditional way of painting,he can make the painter gain infinite extension and imagination space.Su Xinping did not use the traditional oil painting techniques,but used them.He used his own experience in printmaking to make his oil painting harvest a brand-new visual experience.His new painting style enriched the diversity of oil painting.Of course,this attempt is not smooth sailing,to integrate is to break,to create a new style and language,to establish a new system,is a very contemporary behavior.Drawing lessons from other things to create their own painting language,which itself relies on the artist's consciousness.He once turned from woodcut to lithograph,lithograph to oil painting,and then tried to create sketch.His expression way also changed from indirect to direct media.Through the analysis of Su Xinping's artistic experience,we can realize that Su Xinping's continuous transformation in art is to find a pure way of expression,and the media serves painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Su Xinping, Transformation, Painting, Media
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