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Study On English Language Education Policy Of American LEP Students

Posted on:2020-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596470338Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Language is not only an important tool for social communication and knowledge,but also a basic means of embodying and maintaining cultural identity.It is also a cultural capital and strategic resource of the country's core competitiveness and soft power,and it has a place in comprehensive national strength.The acquisition and development of any language advantage depends on the guidance of the programmatic document promoting language education policy.A country's language education policy is closely related to economic development,social stability and national security,and it is an important measure for language education to serve the country's economic development and social security and stability.Therefore,language education policy has become an important means to maintain and strengthen the country's core competitiveness and soft power,and its formulation and implementation has become a basic component of the national development strategy.The language education policies of various countries have undergone great changes.From an international perspective,in order to enhance the soft power of language and culture,developed countries in Europe and the United States,especially the United States,pay special attention to the formulation of national language education and development policies.From the national level,the United States is a multi-ethnic,multi-lingual,multi-cultural,multi-religious and multi-population country.In the context of globalization,language education policy research is increasingly important in today's society.Language policy and planning as a new subject area,not only scholars in pedagogy and linguistics have paid attention to it.Today,governments and research institutions around the world have begun to pay attention to the formulation and implementation of their own language policies.It is of great practical significance to study language education policies,especially the language education policies of large countries and their language strategies,to improve the language education strategy,and to propose scientific plans for dealing with major language education issues.The introduction part clarifies the topic selection,defines the basic concept,scope and content: related research summary,research methods,research characteristics and research innovation,collection of research data and research framework and other tombstone issues.The first chapter is the beginning of the text.It examines the historical background of the development of English language education for LEP students in the United States.From the globalization and the fourth wave of global immigration,it analyzes the sources and new features of American immigration in the 21 st century.From the pursuit of education equality to the pursuit of education quality,the necessity of LEP students' language education in the context of immigration is analyzed.The decline in the quality of education in the United States to the PISA test in the United States to create a first-class education for LEP students to improve LEP student performance,to ensure that the United States remains competitive in global testing.The second chapter analyzes the efforts of the two bills in pursuing educational fairness with the 1968 Bilingual Education Act and the 2002 No Child Left Behind(NCLB)Act,and analyzes the social background in different periods.And the two bills led by political parties and different governments have revised and improved the English education of LEP students.Detailed interpretation of the two bills.The third chapter compares and analyzes the Bilingual Education Act and the No Child Left Behind(NCLB)case.First,Ricento and Hornberger used the "onion peeling" method to analyze the main body of language education policy in the United States.They compared the subjects of American language education policy(federal government,local government,and schools and teachers)to the three layers of onions: the inner,middle,and outer layers.Secondly,analyze the purpose of the two bills on language education for LEP students.Analysis of the content of English language education in LEP students through federal funding,the role of LEP students' mother tongue(non-English speaking minority and immigrants)and English activities,accountability and punishment;finally,analysis of bilingual education The Law and the NCLB Act aim at English language education for LEP students.Bilingual education law in order to achieve assimilation makes LEP students integrate into American society as early as possible is a "transitional" language education policy.Not letting a child fall behind the bill is an important piece of legislation in the United States that began to focus on equality and focus on the quality of education after the 1980 s.The fourth chapter is an evaluation of the English education policy of American LEP students,and a comprehensive and objective review of the achievements and disputes obtained after the promulgation and implementation of the Bilingual Education Law and NCLB.
Keywords/Search Tags:immigration, American LEP students, educational equity, language education policy"Bilingual Education Act""NCLB"
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