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From Disenchantment To Enchantment:the Aesthetic Of The Dilemma Of Modernity

Posted on:2020-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575972518Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Disenchantment is the core concept of Weber's philosophy of history and religion.Disenchantment occurred in the western countries from religious society to secular society in the process of modernity transformation.In the age of science and technology,the cognitive ability of instrumental rationality is excessively exaggerated.The rationalization of social life and system leads to the disenchantment of the world.The extremes of reason lead to the tyranny of reason.The tyranny of reason destroys the teleological world order.The tyranny of reason destroyed the only true God that pre-modern humans believed in.People's lives split into two distinct realms,the realm of fact and the ream of value,they follow different principles.Because aesthetic modernity is along the opposite path of enlightenment modernity.Therefore,this paper takes disenchantment as the entry point and tries to reveal the dilemma in the development of modern western society.And from the perspective of aesthetics explains :aesthetic modernity,as a kind of value rationality,it can liberate people from the tyranny of instrumental rationality.Aesthetic modernity will be opposed to tradition,enlightenment modernity and itself.The author will follow the theme of aesthetic modernity as the salvation of the charm of instrumental rationality,disenchantment is the core concept.The first chapter traces the connotation of disenchantment,the context of disenchantment and the consequences of disenchantment.Chapter two: the path of rationalization that removes magic from the world is the world of disenchantment.The reason develops to the extreme and becomes the charm of the new instrumental reason,so we need to get rid of it.Along the way,due to the division of the value field in the rationalization process,it led to an era of conflicts among Gods and confusion of meanings.Value reason and tool reason are in irreconcilable contradiction,Weber finds the fundamental dilemma of modernity: the rationalization of culture brings about the loss of meaning,and the rationalization of society brings about the loss of freedom.The suffocating scene of modern life is presented in front of people,which is also the fundamental dilemma of modernity since the enlightenment: instrumental rationality is rampant and the world has been disenchanted.In this way,aesthetic modernity as the salvation of the value field,can liberate people from the charm of instrumental rationality.Following the development of the theory of aesthetic redemption in the academic history,the third chapter will expound in detail.After the decline of religion,Weber saw the redemptive function of art.As art gradually moves towards self-discipline,it has acquired the premise of assuming the function of worldly salvation.As an important dimension in the field of value,art,with its unique perceptual form,shows a strong sense of rebellion and subversion,which is more likely to liberate people from the world of instrumental rational discipline.Next,it discusses that the Frankfurt school's aesthetic modernity thought mainly inherits the path of Weber's saving by art,thoroughly criticizes the contradictions of western modern civilization caused by rational alienation,and at the same time endowing modern aesthetics and art with huge energy to fight against enlightenment,which is also the key step of disenchantment.To towards the daily life aesthetic salvation,although daily life aesthetic phenomenon lead to aesthetic modernity highlighting the vulgar faces,but against the theory of everyday life : internal hidden in daily life,reflection,critical factors of art,for the undercurrent of change,do not need to daily life entirely negative evaluation.Therefore,the aestheticization of daily life means to make changes to daily life in an aesthetic way,so as to go beyond daily life.The aestheticization of daily life has the power to change the way people exist and promote social and historical progress.After the salvation of aestheticization of aestheticization of daily life,the returning charm of natural aesthetics is also a key step on the road to aesthetic salvation.Due to the disenchantment of the world,man and nature are in conflict,so we must break through the thinking mode of anthropocentrism and achieve the disenchantment of the world again,so as to return to the situation of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.The birth of new aesthetic is on the premise of anthropocentrism bankruptcy,refrain from the hegemony of control point of view,learn to be fear of Dutch humble nature,on the basis of the character equality to rebuild the aesthetic relation between man and nature,even to reintegrate into nature in apr,trying to return to nature,so as to realize the return of natural charm,this is also a kind of natural aesthetic theories.The last chapter discusses the correctness of the Max's practical aesthetics: because of too much emphasis on the understanding of the aesthetic function,makes the aesthetic redemption appear weakness in front of specific social practice,so aesthetic return evil spirit means : on the basis of Marx's practice aesthetics pay more attention to the real life of the people,is closely related to human liberation,pointing to the freedom of people.After analyzing the capitalist economic and social contradictions,Marx saw that in order to achieve the aesthetic goal,the proletariat must destroy the bourgeoisie and completely liberate itself from alienated labor.The originality of Marx's aesthetics lies in that it bases itself on reality,surpasses reality and changes reality.The real realization of aesthetic modernity is not only in the field of spiritual speculation,but also in the reform of social mechanism on the basis of highly developed social productive forces and the realization of aesthetic charm in free labor,so as to promote the all-rround and free devdlopment of people.
Keywords/Search Tags:disenchantment, return the charm, dilemma of modernity, aesthetic redemption
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