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The Modernity In The Novels Of Wang Meng

Posted on:2020-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575969194Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In contemporary Chinese literary,Wang Meng is an epoch-making writer with great achievements and profound influences.Wang Meng,with his exuberant and long-term creative vitality,has constantly pioneered and innovated.With novel creation as the center,Wang Meng has created and highlighted a unique style of “Wang Meng-style” with lyric sentiment,objective and rational examination and reflection.Wang Meng's literary creation is a lightning bolt piercing the sky and a banner flying on the top of mountains in contemporary literature.Modernity has complex and abundant connotations.This paper analyses the modernity of Wang Meng's novels under the basic explanation of modernity.Wang Meng's novels are full of modernity implication,which reflects the strong spirit of the times and has prominent modernity characteristics.The prominent features of the modernity of Wang Meng's novels are the display of people's lonely soul in modern society,the criticism of bureaucracy,the exposition of the maladies of urban civilization and the writing of women's marriage thoughts and value ideals.He boldly analyzed the historical revolution,revealed the social drawbacks,and insight into the alienation of human nature;he eulogized pure love with affectionate pen tips,looked forward to a better ideal life,and used his keen thoughts to lash at the women bound by feudal ethics,the distorted spirit of the Cultural Revolution and the spiritual world of the people oppressed by technological civilization to display the complexity of real life.Wang Meng broke the shackles of the realistic creation methods that had long been the dominant position of Chinese contemporary literature,looked around the world,boldly absorbed the nutrition of foreign literature and art,and painstakingly carried out innovative experiments in novel art,leading a generation of coquettish.The stream-of-consciousness structure in Wang Meng's novels reveals the characters' souls secretly.The absurd narrative is an exaggeration of social strange phenomena.The meta-narrative shows Wang Meng's pursuit and attitude towards literary creation.In rhetoric,Wang Meng pays attention to the comprehensive use of various artistic techniques,such as symbolism,satire,exaggeration,humor,Carnival language,etc.These are the operational strategies of Wang Meng's modern spiritual and artistic presentation of novel creation.The formation of modernity in Wang Meng's novels has complicated factors.Open-minded personality,rich personal experiences,the dramatic changes of Chinese society and the tremendous influence of social ideological trend in the transitional period,and the strong impacts of Western ideas and artistic creation are the reasons for the modernity of Wang Meng's novels.Wang Meng continued the tradition of May 4th humanistic spirit and played a leading role in promoting the opening,freedom and pluralism of national literature in the early stage of national liberation and the period of reform and opening up.The rich modernity implication of Wang Meng's novels has important ideological and cultural significances.The artistic presentation of the modernity spirit of Wang Meng's novels has epoch-making significances and artistic aesthetic values.Wang Meng's novels truly and objectively reflects people's life style,praises the progress of society,and has profound,cold and rich criticism and reflection,which reflects the particularity of Wang Meng's novel modernity creation.The modernity of Wang Meng's writing also has some limitations.The description of dirty and ugly things in the novels is detrimental to the aesthetic value of the novels.The modernity of language flowing affects the understanding of the image connotation of the novels.The creation form of meta-narrative is difficult to attract readers' input into the novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Meng's novels, modernity, modern consciousness
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