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Reflection And Expectation:George Wells' Scientific Vision

Posted on:2020-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575965887Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
More than 1 00 years ago,George Wells' The War of the Worlds,Time Machine and other sci-fi attracted the attention of the world with marvelous perceptiveness and extensive topicality.He was also known as "the father of science fiction".Until now,his sci-fi works are still highly praised.However,sci-fi creation is only a small part of his life,and most of his works describe his "new ideology system".This system is not only oriented to the past but also looks to the future,as well as probes into a series of problems of scientific development and social progress.Therefore,this paper turns its perspective to George Wells'non-sci-fi works,aims to summarize his thinking of science and social development in such works,and tries to restore the scientific vision of him.First,this paper focus on the life of George Wells,the information of creation and the collation of interpersonal relations,and explaining the impact of science on his life.Then the paper classifies his works,compares the creative ideas of his sci-fi with that of Jules Verne,and extracts George Wells thoughts on the development of science from non-sci-fi works.Besides,the paper reviews George Wells'social relationships,and mainly emphasize the impact of his ideas on scientists.Secondly,this paper summarizes and classifies the theme of non-sci-fi and tries to interpret George Wells'views on science and war,science and socialism,as well as science and religion in light of the time background.This part fully emphasizes:George Wells' reflection on the relations between science and war,whether socialism is conducive to scientific development and how to deal with the relationship between science and religion.In addition to reflection,this paper discuss and analyzes some explorations that George Wells has made to improve the situation.He put the hope of reconstruction on education,so most of his exploration were focus on education.This article demonstrates George Wells' exploration of new education from three aspects.First,make full use of the technological innovation,introduce advanced technology into the classroom to improve the old teaching methods.Secondly,keep up with the pace of science development,attach importance to scientific education and experimental practice to build a new curriculum system.Thirdly,update the knowledge in textbooks,present a new knowledge framework to adjust the old teaching tools.Finally,this article surmmarizes George Wells' vision for the future society,and explains it in conjunction with his articles published in Nature and his correspondence with others.Under the influence of Darwinism,George Wells naturally emphasized the import'ance of order and unity and emphasized the inclusion of all new factors.Corresponding to his reflection,George Wells'construction of future society focuses on three themes:World Nation,World Brain and World Encyclopedia.The core words are peace,sharing and faith.On this basis,this paper clarifies his imagination of future scientific vision.
Keywords/Search Tags:George Wells, Reflection, Expectation, Scientific Vision
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