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A Study On Huiyuan's Theory Of "Spirit"(?)

Posted on:2020-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575465419Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Huiyuan's Buddhist ideology system is centered on the "spirit" theory,and the"spirit" theory connects the "Nature" theory with the "Third World Retribution" theory.It is the most discussed idea in Huiyuan's legacy.It is true that the formation of Hui yuan's "spirit" theory is the result of the Chinese Buddhism,but it is also inseparable from the traditional Chinese cultural background.Huiyuan and his tutor are both knowledgeable about the content of Buddhism,especially Prajna and PiTan.At the time of Huiyuan,the prajna and metaphysics under the "Geyi" Buddhism were intrinsically connected with the same way of thinking in the noumenon.This was reflected in the "spirit" theory of Huiyuan:the nature was actually a noumenon.Push to "spirit" and there is no extinction;"spirit" is the ontology,and "shape" is the function,so it is formed and exists.The small Mahayana learning has the greatest influence on Huiyuan's Buddhism.Based on the "constant existence of the noumenon,"Huiyuan has come to the conclusion that "nature of Buddhism","body of Buddhism",and even "spirit" are not changed.In addition,the concept of "soul",in the Middle-earth tradition is also one of the theoretical sources of Huiyuan's "spirit"theory.It is embodied in three aspects:pure soul,ghost soul and spiritual soul.As an important concept of Huiyuan's Buddhism,"spirit" itself has multiple meanings and various characteristics.In Huiyuan's view,the "spirit" with immortal characteristics is the subject of the retribution of all beings,and essentially refers to the soul.However,in addition to the meaning of the soul,Huiyuan's "spirit" also has many connotations such as spirit,body of Buddhism,and Nirvana Buddha.It should be pointed out that the so-called "spirit" of Huiyuan is compared with the concepts similar to the soul such as "knowledge","Butegaro","Shengyi Butegaro","Zhongyin"and "spirit" that have appeared in Indian Buddhism.It has the characteristics of inaction such as Buddhism and Nirvana.Based on the connotation of Huiyuan's"spirit",it can be seen that "spirit" also has the characteristics subtlety,insensitivity,inspiration,and understanding.Huiyuan and Morosh had many discussions on the issue of the body and the nature.This is now in the "Mahayana Da Yi Zhang."Therefore,as the main part,it also uses the "Preface to the Great Intelligence Theory"and the quotes and theories of later generations to comprehensively see Huiyuan's relationship between "spiit" and nature of Buddhism and body of Buddhism:First,"spirit" and nature of Buddhism.The nature and body is the same.Huiyuan once said that "true nature" and "true body" are intended to explain that the nature and the body itself have the same nature as "spirit".Second,"spirit" and nature are connected to the realm of Nirvana,and they are in the sense of Buddhism(the basis for becoming a Buddha).From this point of view alone,Huiyuan's unchanging "spirit" or nature is"Muddy",which corrects the early Chinese Buddhist interpretation of Nirvana with"longevity"and has great theoretical value.Hui yuan not only linked "spirit" with the nature and the body,but also linked "spirit" with his "three" response theory.Huiyuan believes that ignorance and greed are the root causes of Karma for the return of sentient beings,and "spirit" is the root of its reality;At the learning of retribution,"spirit" runs through the retribution of "three" of all beings;"spirit" is the main body of the life and death cycle and the result of the result."spirit" itself is not immortal,but it can become a new life with the combination of passion.Huiyuan stipulated"spirit"as the basis for the liberation of all beings from retribution and the Nirvana realm of the Buddha.For this reason,Huiyuan's retribution theory in Buddhism has linked the"spirit" and "three" reincarnation in terms of the root cause,method,subject,and nature of retribution.Through the analysis of the content of Huiyuan's "spirit"theory,it can be seen that it is the most important feature of Huiyuan's "spirit".In Huiyuan's view,only this can provide a subject for the theory of karma in Buddhism,so that the Buddhist system can be established.In the era in which Huiyuan was living,the debate of the spirit has already become a trend,and there has been a theoretical debate between the destroyers and the immortal spirit."Qi"scholars criticize Buddhism's concept of"spirit is immortal"and thus negate the theory of karma.From the perspective of synthesizing the thoughts of the scholars,it is mainly based on the original meaning of "Qi".It is based on the unity of body and spirit,and the movement of body and spirit at the same time.The three perspectives of body and spirit together denounce the "spirit is immortal"theory of Buddhist believers.For the criticism of the scholars of gas theory,the "spirit is immortal" headed by Hui yuan wants to fight back.Take Huiyuan as an example.He is not formed from the body of spirit,"spirit" is the master of "body" and forms Spirit's self-transformation.In order to demonstrate that the body of spirit is not at the same time,the theory of "God annihilation" was theoretically countered.In the history of Chinese Buddhism,two large-scale ideological exchanges were initiated during the Wei and Jin Dynasties.Between the Lord's "spirit Extinct Theory" and the "spirit is not Extinct Theory",many books have been refuted,but most of them have not exceeded the theoretical level of Huiyuan's "Shamen's Unrespectful King".It was not until Fanzhen's "The Theory of Spirit's Extinction" put forward the point of view of"body is essence and the use of spirit" that the theoretical foundation of the theory of"spirit's immortality" was shaken by the theory of form of spirit,namely,body is essence and the use of spirit,body is spirit,and qualitative use of phase.The eternal"spirit" of Buddhism was substantially overthrown.However,the influence of the history of the "spirit" created by Huiyuan did not end here.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huiyuan, Spirit, PiTan, Nature of Buddha, Cause and Effect
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