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Research Of "Blame" Conceptual Field From The Northern And Southern Dynasities And Sui Dynasty To Tang And The Five Dynasties

Posted on:2020-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575463302Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Most of the traditional exegesis studies on Chinese vocabulary are used for interpretation.The studies of vocabulary system are also scattered and isolated.It lacks the concept of historical development and limits the development of Chinese vocabulary history to a certain extent.Focusing on the period from the Northern and Southern Dynasties and Sui Dynasties to the Tang and Five Dynasties,this thesis uses the theory,combined with the methods of semantic analysis,quantitative and qualitative,synchronic and diachronic,induction and analysis,to sort out and describe the "blame" conceptual field in this period.On this basis,we explore the development and evolution of the members of "blame" conceptual field in the period from the Northern and Southern Dynasties and Sui Dynasties to the Tang and Five Dynasties.The studies of "blame" conceptual field in the period from the Northern and Southern Dynasties and Sui Dynasties to the Tang and Five Dynasties will examine these two periods separately.First,select the high-quality corpus with strong oral utterance in each period,and investigate and count the words that express the concept of "blame" in these documents,and analyze the specific use of these words in the corpus.Then,the members of "blame" conceptual field in the two periods were compared in time,and the dynamic changes of each member from the North and South to the Tang and Five Dynasties were examined from the aspects of semantic features,usage functions,combination,use frequency and distribution status.Last,explore the performance and reasons of the historical evolution of "blame" conceptual field of the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang and Five Dynasties.Specifically,the paper is divided into the following four parts:Firstly,from the theoretical and methodological level,the article expounds the theoretical background of conceptual field and some research results obtained by the academic circles in China using the conceptual field theory,and introduces "blame" conceptual field and the research status of such verbs.Using the method of semantic analysis,determine the selection criteria and the objects of investigation of the members of "blame" conceptual field,and illustrate the document corpus selected in this paper.At the same time,clarify the research methods and research significance of the article.Secondly,in the horizontal synchronic level,this paper describes the specific performance of each member of the conceptual field.The article starts from the two periods of the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Tang and Five Dynasties,and analyzes the members of "blame" conceptual field one by one.Detailed descriptions of the semantic characteristics,usage functions,combination forms,word formation capabilities,and frequency of use of each member are described in detail.On this basis,it produces the corresponding use frequency table and status distribution map.For the conceptual field of the South and the North during the Northern and Southern Dynasties,a comparative analysis is made to try to show the difference.Thirdly,on the vertical diachronic level,the article examines the development and evolution of each member of the conceptual field.Through the comparative analysis of the members of "blame" conception field in the two periods of the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Tang and Five Dynasties,the dynamic development of the whole conceptual field in this historical period is presented,including the inheritance continuation,enriches development and degradation of the conceptual field.Finally,this paper summarizes the reasons for the evolution of "blame" conceptual field.The article sorts out the evolution process of "blame" conceptual field in the period from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang and Five Dynasties,and summarizes its evolution characteristics into the change of high-frequency members,the trend of two-syllables and the change of combinational relationship.Then,from the outside of the society and the internal aspects of the language,we try to find out the specific reasons for the evolution of the conceptual field.
Keywords/Search Tags:"blame", conceptual field, Northern and Southern Dynasties and Sui Dynasty, Tang and the Five Dynasties
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