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A Study Of The Narrative Art In The Path Of Abai

Posted on:2020-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330572999849Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
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Established in the 1960 s,narratology was first proposed by Thodorof in France in the Decameron Grammar published in 1969.Its theories were influenced by the Russian formalism,the structuralism,and modern linguistics,and developed rapidly as an independent discipline.In the 1980 s,classical narratology began to decline because it paid little attention to the author and the background of the times and only focused on the internal study of the works.It was in this context that post-classical narratology merged with anthropology,psychology,philosophy,and other disciplines,and began to focus on factors outside the text,which led to the emergence of feminist narratology,rhetorical narratology,cognitive narratology and other theories.This is post-classical narratology.This thesis uses narratology theory and method to analyze and demonstrate the narrative art of the novel,The Path of Abai,a long novel by historical novel.To fully display the value of the narrative art of The Path of Abai,so that readers can have a better understanding of the narrative art and techniques employed in The Path of Abai,then deeply understand how Mukhtar Auezov will Kazak traditional literature creation way and modern narratology theory high fusion,then have a high-altitude understanding of Kazakh modern literature.In the context of “the Belt and Road” strategy proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping,the study has implications for promoting in-depth literary exchanges between China and Kazakhstan and forming a community of shared destiny,including culture.The introduction introduces Mukhtar Auezov and The Path of Abai at first,which is convenient for the following discussion.Then it reviews and reviews the current research situation of the novel at home and abroad.The related achievements of The Path of Abai have not been studied through the narratology theory in China,so this paper is based on the narratology theory,it is innovative to analyze The Path of Abai.The first chapter discusses various narrative situations in The Path of Abai,first of all,the novel uses a non-focused perspective to narrate,fully display the realistic space of the characters,analyze the psychological activities of the characters at any time,and intervene and influence the readers' thinking in the narration.Secondly,the transformation of the narrative perspective between a large number of characters follows the logical relationship between the characters or the development of events,so that readers can clearly see the internal relationship between the characters and the development of events.Finally,the author,from time to time as an omniscient narrator,comments on the story's protagonist,Abai,reflecting on the different stages of Abai's life.The second chapter discusses the epic nature of the narrative structure of the The Path of Abai,through analyzing the four levels of the narrative structure of the double-line,reveals the close relationship between each level,and the characters' action function in the novel is similar to that in the Kazakh epic.The classification by the action meta-model shows that the characters portrayed by the author have the complexity of modern novels.A large number of poems mentioned and quoted in the novel,on the one hand,promote the development of the plot,on the other hand,they also undertake the inner level narrative function through the creation and singing of the characters.The third chapter discusses the abundant and changeable narrative time and space in The Path of Abai,which forms the ups and downs narrative rhythm by using various time sequence and time limit Abai's beautiful and saintly heterotopia is in dual opposition to the dark and backward realistic space,reflecting Abai's spirit of struggling through adversity,which is dazed but fearless.In the novel,time and space are both inhomogeneous and homogeneous,the former focuses on the fact that the subject who transcends space has the power to change reality,while the latter focuses on the fact that human beings exist in reality and are bound to succumb to the tragedy of time and fate.The epilogue expounds the relationship between the text of The Path of Abai and the writer's creative process and motive,reviews the narrative techniques and artistry used in The Path of Abai,and summarizes the full text.The concluding part elaborates the relationship between the text of The Path of Abai and the author's creative process and motivation,reviews the narrative techniques and artistry used in The Path of Abai,and summarizes the whole article.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Path of Abai, Narrative situation, Narrative structure, Narrative time and space
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