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Research On Wang Zhaowen's Aesthetic Theory Of Art

Posted on:2020-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z TengFull Text:PDF
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This article focuses on the aesthetic theory of Mr.Wang Zhaowen.This paper attempts to prominent his important position of Marxist aesthetic researchers on the basis of "Speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium" published by Comrade Mao Zedong at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium.On the premise of the lack of systematic discussion on the current situation of Wang Zhaowen's art appreciation theory,it stands in the multi-dimensional perspective of contemporary art appreciation.Next,we will discuss its art appreciation theory.The understanding and inheritance of the speech spirit of Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium is the theoretical source of the aesthetic theory of the press art of the dynasty.Back in 1942,when Wang Zhaowen attended the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium,Comrade Mao Zedong's Speech Thought and Marxist Thought had a great influence on it.First of all,we affirm our Party's policy of "proceeding from reality" and insist that everything proceed from reality.Secondly,with political orientation,we should consider how to integrate literature and art in each period with politics in each period.Beauty in relation is the theoretical connotation of the aesthetic theory of Wang Zhaowen 's art.This paper discusses the three relations of aesthetic subject and object,artistic creation and artistic aesthetics,art and life,and demonstrates the dialectical unity of each of them.Then through the essential connection,it highlights the realistic concern of art aesthetic theory,from the individual aesthetic value level to the group aesthetic value level,and ultimately to the ultimate aesthetic value level.There are three theoretical characteristics of the aesthetic theory of Wang Zhaowen's art: dialecticality,transcendentality and initiative.There are three manifestations of dialecticality: first,Wang Zhaowen believes that the incompleteness of artistic image can stimulate people to interpret the meaning of its image;second,the harmony and diversity of artistic works are unified,although they are different;third,the implication less than the apex is the most charming.Transcendentality means that he is a bottom-up research method,which pays attention to the essence from concrete phenomena to abstraction,and first achieves the aesthetic education of others so as to realize the sublimation of self-aesthetic education.Initiative,first of all,calls on people to be sensitive to aesthetics.Secondly,it holds that no one can deviate from generality in aesthetic activities,but also has individual differences.Secondly,artistic originality should be carried out to ensure that they have correct three views,have the ability to reflect life and have their own creative skills.Finally,it puts forward the value and points out the enlightenment after grasping the aesthetic theory of Wang Zhaowen 's art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Zhaowen, Popular aesthetic, Aesthetic relationship, Aesthetic value
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