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A Report On The E-C Translation Of The Book Of Unknown Americans(Excerpt)

Posted on:2019-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L SunFull Text:PDF
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The type of corpus used in this practical report belongs to short stories,and because of the conciseness of its language,it is suitable as a model reference for novel translation.For the part of the novel translation,although the language may seem simple,it actually requires the translator to study the relationship between the language and the inner logic patiently.Therefore,it is extremely important to understand the stylistic structure and language style of the novel.In addition,the translation of short stories must not only focus on forms,but also take into account the content,that is the basic style of the story,mood and other factors.This corpus is a collection of novel stories about immigration,which tells the story of the protagonist's first experience when he moved from Mexico to the United States.From the perspective of the first person,the novelist reveals the immigration problem of the United States dialectically through detailed descriptions.As for the writing of this practice report,the author starts from the angle of translation contradiction,revolving around literal translation and free translation,and from two aspects of lexical level and syntactic level,flexibly using translation skills such as diction and amplification to analyse example sentences.Literal translation is the most basic way of translating.For example,at the lexical level,if the semantics of the source language and the target language are the same and the reference and the pragmatics are the same,it can be translated in literal translation method.But when the literal translation can not fully convey the implicit meaning of the source language,the translator needs proper transformation to grasp the expression of language.The difficulty in translating this corpus is mainly embodied in the expression of language.Although the language of the novel seems simple,it is not easy to translate it into an easy to understand,authentic translation without losing the style of the source language.Therefore,in this practical report,the author makes a concrete analysis of the specific translation examples and finally explained that a good translation always has a compatible attitude.It is necessary to have both literal translation and free translation.Finally,the author hopes that this practical report will provide a theoretical reference for the novel translation,help other translators to more profoundly understand and grasp the contradictions that arise in the translation process,and explore ways and means to resolve these contradictions.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation contradiction, novel translation, literal translation, free translation
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