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A Translation Report On Africa's Natural Resources And Underdevelopment(Chapters 1-3)

Posted on:2019-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q S LuoFull Text:PDF
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As we all know,China is the largest developing country,Africa is the most concentrated continent of developing countries and they are both facing a common task of development and having a wide range of common interests in international affairs.Hence,studying the contemporary status of natural resources in Africa is conducive to the strengthening of economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa.Because of Africa has a wealth of natural and human resources,coupled with investment environment keeps improving,more and more Chinese enterprises are turning their attentions to this new "promising land".In fact,China is already the largest investor in the African continent,and a great number of Chinese enterprises are doing business among the sectors of finance,telecommunications,energy,manufacturing and agriculture in Africa,and that has accelerated the process of Africa's economic development and urbanization.Kwamina Panford,the author of Africa's Natural Resources and Underdevelopment,describes nowadays status and challenges of Ghanaian oil,the sustainable development brought by Ghanaian oil as well.He presents especially Chinese readers with a most realistic Africa,and that is one of the important reasons why we choose this book as the source text of the translation practice project.This thesis contains two parts.The first part is the translation practice of an English text.The source text is selected from Africa's Natural Resources and Underdevelopment(chapterl-3),written by Kwamina Panford.The second part is about the translation report which can be divided into four chapters.Chapter one is the introduction of the translation project and the original background.Chapter two is about the translation process,consisting pre-translation preparation,in-translation and post-translation and quality assurance.Chapter three is the core part of the whole translation report.Under the guidance of Newmark's Communicative Translation Theory,the translator chooses typical examples and applies the related translation techniques including amplification,omission,negation,conversion and division to translate and deal with the selected source text.In this way,the purpose of Communicative Translation Theory is realized.Chapter four makes a conclusion.It is about the unsolved problems and the translator's own thinking after translation practice.Lessons and enlightenment gaining from translation practice is as well included in the last chapter.After finishing the translation project,the translator keenly understands that translation achievements are not accomplished in a single step.A good translation work requires a great deal of translation practice and translation conclusion.The translator himself also needs to learn the cultural background knowledge of both source text and targeted text.The translation project itself has many practical values as well.It has provided domestic readers with the latest information on African energy and economy development.At the same time,reader is access to acquire some lessons from the African development path and then avoiding many development pitfalls.
Keywords/Search Tags:Africa, natural resources, underdevelopment, translation report, Communicative Translation Theory
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