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Competency-based Research On The Management Strategies Of College English Teachers

Posted on:2019-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330572462402Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the expanding and furthering of public administration research,education administration,as an important component,has been receiving considerable attention.School administration exerts a deep influence on teachers' competencies,whose development plays a significant role in realizing schools' administrative targets and strategic development goals.Against the background of the internalization of higher education,our universities should cultivate high-level international talents so as to meet the developing demands of economy and society.So,as important resources with a good command of the international language and culture,college English teachers are bound to become primary participants in the process.Therefore,how to grasp a better knowledge about college English teachers' competencies,whereby measures of improving the administrative effects of them can be put forward to enhance their working performances and help achieve universities' strategic construction and developing goals,are of great vitality to college administrators.Combining the theories of Position Management and Human Resources Management of Public Sector,this competency-based research studies literature and conducts an empirical study on college English teachers' competencies from the perspectives of both students and teachers with the questionnaire survey method,followed by a series of statistical analysis of the survey data to establish eight competency indexes including teaching attitude,teaching contents,teaching management ability,teaching effects,teaching methods,professional knowledge,vocational motivation and self development,and find out imperfections among them,which can be concluded as teaching efficacy deficiency,teaching ability deficiency,scientific research ability deficiency,as well as low levels of vocational ideals.Then,the research continues to discuss the problems in college English teachers'management reflected by those imperfections,concerning employment system,training system,performance appraisal system,payment management,as well as motivation mechanism,and finally raises strategies of constructing the administrative system of college English teaches from the angle of competency.In employment system,it is suggested that implicit competencies be examined,such as applicants'personal traits,accomplishments and moralities.In training system,training needs,targets and plans should be designed based on college English teachers' competencies,and school-based training is highly recommended.In performance appraisal system,it is advisable that reasonable performance plans should be made,aimed at position characteristics of college English teachers,and guidance should be applied to help teachers achieve their assessment targets,with results notified to teachers timely.In payment management,soft management is suggested to satisfy the features of different position classifications including teaching post,scientific research post,and teaching and scientific research post.As for motivation mechanism,it is recommended that in order to give timely recognition to competency development.and punishment to negative behaviors of college English teachers,positive motivation,including material motivation and spiritual motivation,should be combined with negative motivation,including criticism,degrading and pay cuts,to stimulate their initiative and creativity.
Keywords/Search Tags:competency, college English teacher, teacher administration, strategy
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