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A Report On E-C Translation Of Biomedical Materials

Posted on:2020-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
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The rapid development of modern science and technology has promoted continuous innovation in various fields.Among them,genetic testing as a new tool for medical diagnosis and treatment is attractive to many doctors and people.Genetic testing uses science and technology to detect human genomic information so as to help predict disease risk and make therapeutic schedules,and involves biological and medical knowledge.The sequencing service of Chinese enterprises is in the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain,and there is a tendency to extend upstream.Therefore,the communication with upstream enterprises in foreign countries is essential.In addition,new advances in the field of medicine emerge in an endless stream.As a result,corresponding biological and medical translation needs are increasing.This article attempts to explore the translation skills of biomedical texts from Vermeer's skopos theory.Biomedical texts are applied texts with strong practicality.Applied texts belongs to information texts,whose language features and main content are for the purpose of delivering information.Based on the functionality of biomedical texts,the author chooses skopos theory and applies the appropriate translation skills to faithfully expresses the original text information within the acceptable range of the readers.The report is divided into five chapters.The first chapter gives a brief overview of the translation project,which introduces the background,content and significance of the practice.The second chapter is research status and methodology.The theoretical part elaborates on the domestic and foreign researches of skopos theory and biomedical translation.The methodology part introduces the three principles of skopos theory: purpose principle,coherence principle,fidelity principle,and the translation requirements under the guidance of skopos theory.The third chapter is to introduce the process of translation,including the preparation before translation,the key points to note during the translation,and the improvement of the target text after the translation.The fourth chapter is the major part of the report.Under the guidanceof skopos theory,the author discusses the translation skills that can be adopted during biomedical material translation through examples analysis.The fifth chapter is a summary of the translation report.For this report,the author combines theory with practice and concludes that skopos theory has a good guidance for translating biomedical materials.In order to achieve the purpose of translation,the author adopts translation skills like conversion of part of speech,conversion of voice,addition,and omission.
Keywords/Search Tags:biomedical translation, skopos theory, translation skills
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