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A Translation Report On The History Of Miao Genesis (Chapter 3) From The Perspective Of Eco-translatology

Posted on:2019-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The History of Miao Genesis belongs to ancient songs.It is about Miao history,culture and customs of marriage.The translator selected the third chapter “The History of Marriage” and translated it into English.Based on the translation practice,the report discusses mainly about the translation difficulties and translation methods from the perspective of Eco-translatology.The report contains six chapters.The first chapter is task description,including task background and task features.The second chapter is process description,including pre-translation,during translation and post-translation.The third chapter is literature review,including studies on Miao ancient songs,studies on the translation of Miao ancient songs and studies on Eco-translatology.The fourth chapter is about theoretical foundations,including the origin of Eco-translatology and main principles in Eco-translatology.The fifth chapter is case study,including translation difficulties and translation methods.The translation difficulties came in three levels: linguistic level,cultural level and communicative level.The translation methods were discussed from the perspective of Eco-translatology,including literal translation,free translation,creation and so on.The sixth chapter is conclusion,including summary and limitations.
Keywords/Search Tags:The History of Miao Genesis, translator-centeredness, three dimentional transformation
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