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Identity Construction And Historical Memory:A Study Of The Journal Of New Women

Posted on:2019-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566992742Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In January 1926,the Journal of New Women was founded by Zhang Xichen in Shanghai.This time is in the period of the downturn of the May 4th movement and the first national revolution,and it is also an important transition period for the development of female periodicals.The work of New Women at this stage left an important step in the history of Chinese women's development.In this paper,I try to look at the scene of female liberation in 1920 s and examine the life of women in the collation of the contents of New Women.This paper analyzes the editor and reform of New Women,investigates the source of periodical writers,and sorts out the identity construction and literary appeal of New Women,the relationship between the publication and the women's Liberation Movement in the process of production,dissemination and consumption is introduced,and the social and historical context of the modern female periodicals is introduced,and the historical significance of the journal in the women's liberation movement is studied.Introduction: summarize the era background of New Women in the 1920 s and the research status of the journal in academic circles.From the aspects of production,dissemination and acceptance of New Women publications,we reviewed the development history of New Women,expanded the research direction and scope of research on this basis,and laid the foundation for the in-depth study below.The text is divided into four chapters.The first chapter mainly studies the relationship between New Women and the female emancipation in the 1920 s.This paper describes the process of establishing a periodical from the view,column setting,publisher and thought of the periodical.At the same time,New Women brought together the literary creation of many famous modern writers.They pay attention to the liberation of women and leave a lot of records for the development of women,through the study of this journal,we can understand the effects and significance of modern literary writers on the creation of magazines.The second chapter combs the literature content of New Women periodical,andanalyzes the writer's identity shaping of New Women from the angle of literary production,to explore the significant contribution made by New Women.Journal of women's status to construct through the "discussion","essay" form,at the same time focusing on women's marriage problems,education problems,love and family problems,further on the way to help women in the pursuit of freedom,writing the history of the women's liberation.The third chapter mainly studies the communication strategy of New Women in the 1920 s.From the support of the open bookstore to the publication,to the design of the content of the periodical;To promote the translation of articles,publicize women's knowledge,and promote the dissemination of publications in an easy-to-understand way.At the same time,through the analysis of the sales volume and the response of the readers,the influence of New Women on the market and society is explored.The fourth chapter,on the basis of summing up,looks back at the 1920 s literary creation and understands the creative needs at that time.At the same time,we should inquiries about the development path of women and look for the historical memory behind of New Women.In the 1920 s,New Women insisted on the idea of running the journal,not going with the flow,seeking the emancipation of women with the theoretical characteristics of the new ideas and pioneers,reducing the scene of the women's life at that time and making an important contribution to the future life of the women.New Women witnessed the history of the middle and late 1920 s.The liberation of women and the writing of history explained behind it are of great significance to the development of modern literature.In conclusion,summarizes New Women in such aspects as identity construction,literature and history of literature value and significance,through to the modern women's literary creation,make the female life gets.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Women, identity construction, historical memory, 1920s
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