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Interpreting Strategies Under The Guidance Of Skopos Theory

Posted on:2019-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report analyzes one of the author's experiences as a consecutive interpreter in Guangqi Honda Automobile Company based on the guidance of Skopos theory.As a deconstruction translation theory,Skopos Theory breaks up the shackle of equivalence translation and provides a new perspective for translation studies.Among the three rules included in Skopos Theory,skopos rule plays a dominant role and serves as the guidance of interpreting strategies adopted in this report.For example,when literal translation cannot reflect the hidden logics in Chinese,the interpreter tries to clarify the logic relations by adding connectors;when the speaker speaks in a duplicated and repeated manner,the interpreter overcome the redundancies by omitting unimportant information;when there are signs of conflicts or deadlocks between two parties,the interpreter works as a mediator or coordinator to help their conversation keep going on.To sum up,all these interpreting strategies are adopted to serve the skopos of the conference,namely to promote effective communication between two sides.It is divided into four chapters.In the first chapter,the author mainly introduces some information about the task itself as well as the background of speakers and interpreter.The second chapter is the description of interpreting process,including pre-task preparation,interpreting process and post-task evaluation.As the main body of this report,the third chapter gives a brief introduction to the Skopos Theory and emphasizes the guidance of skopos rule.In the case analysis,based on the differences between English and Chinese as well as the ultimate purpose of the conference,the interpret adopts three information processing approaches to reach the skopos.The last chapter is the conclusion to this report.
Keywords/Search Tags:Skopos Theory, skopos rule, logic relations, redundancies, mediator
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