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Opium And Politic:Study Of Prohibiting Policy Of Gui Zhou Province During The Republic Of China

Posted on:2019-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566973208Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since modern times,China has been irrevocably committed to opiums,and the opium has become one of the issues that governments cared most from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China.Guizhou province,for its specific geographical environment and geopolitical position,abounded in opiums,while all regimes in power resorted to all kinds of methods against opiums.However,the sweeping change in governorship,gave rise to the defeat of the opium-banning campaign.Conversely,owing to successive years of tangled warfare among warloads,there's an overflow of opiums in Guizhou province,which affected the overall society.After exercising the power,the Kuomintang planned and proportionate campaigns against opiums.The local administration actively implemented policies issued by the Central Committee,set up special agencies,and promulgated coping decrees.At the same time,they also banned opium planting,smoking,trafficking and selling with propaganda and armed guards.This paper is made on the basis of above historical facts.The opium-banning campaign was a mixture of society problems and political affairs.For one thing,local strongmen applied an sumptuary taxation to eliminate differences and strengthen their own power.For another thing,Chiang Kai-Shek used the campaign as a tool to consolidate its rule and power in Guizhou province.The social changes while issuing the campaign mirror that the Central Committee strengthened its authority in regional government.
Keywords/Search Tags:opium, Guizhou, Republic of China, Prohibiting Policy, Politic
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