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On The Consciousness And Subconsciousness Of Singing Breathing

Posted on:2019-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y DongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Singing breathing is an important basis for singing.Knowing the physiological mechanism of singing breathing is one of the basic tasks of singing scholars' singing skills.It is an important task for our vocal students to understand and master the correct working principles and scientific application of breathing organs.Singing breathing is the habit of singing breathing under the control of the mechanism of singing and breathing,which is the habit of singing and breathing and its technique,which is the cultivation of the consciousness of singing and breathing.This kind of singing and breathing consciousness is divided into two categories,one is to follow the breathing mechanism correctly,and the other is the singing breathing consciousness under the wrong singing breath,and the two kind of subconsciousness is the inevitable result of a habit of long-term training.The correct singing breathing habit is to cultivate the correct singing breath consciousness and to cultivate the correct subconsciousness of singing breathing for a long time,which is the basic point of view and the core content of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sing, breathing, consciousness, Subconscious
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