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A Study Of Baudrillard's Critique To Freudian

Posted on:2019-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566495453Subject:Marxist philosophy
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At the period of the Victorian,because of the religious factors,social suppression of sex and body was quite serious.This kind of social phenomenon has caused the suffering of personality to the suppression of the body and sex.Freud recognized it and used the unconscious Libido to explain various contradictions between individuals and societies and tried to release human libido energy on the basis of psychoanalytic structural construction.In general,Freudian theory tried to achieve the freedom of the subject and gain happiness by way of the physical liberation.Freud's theories deeply influenced Marcuse and Lacan.Marcuse combined Freud's theory of sexual oppression and held the belief that because of the "extra-repression" within capitalism leading to suppression of mankind,human beings must liberate "eros”if they want to get freedom;Lacan combined Freud's theory and attempted to construct a discourse mechanism of libidinal suppression in the unconscious theory.The three depressed sexual theories all together constitute the prime content of Freudian.As one of the representatives of postmodernism,Baudrillard's theories pinpoint problems and deconstruct everything.He has insight into the repetitive and cyclical nature of social production.Production—Reproduction descend to a tool for the symbolic society.Simulation has swept entirely society and even spread to the field of the physical and sexual.However,the sexual repression advocated by Freudian still provides the theoretical basis for "revolution" to the sexual liberation movement in the world.The society construct the structure of suppression here and there,and people are sought to pursue the liberation of body and sex.Baudrillard critiques that by way of the perspective of physical political economics.With reference to the field of production,he believes that the repression of society is imagined and constructed.Sexual liberation no longer liberates human beings but simply produces and reproduces the sex and the body.Baudrillard started the critique within the Freudian theory and analyzed a series of simulation phenomena profoundly such as free sex and fashionable body,which are produced under the influence of Freudian in today's society,and explained the production of the sex and body systematically which are controlled by the principles of pleasure and forced repetition.On account of the "repression" of the external social environment,the Oedipus complex has become an aid to the symbolic society's rules,convincing people that breaking through the repression,and releasing the unconscious mind can yield subject freedom.Baudrillard's criticism of Freudian is thorough but not biased.He started fromthe simulation of the production field,and transitioned to the realm of the construction of the symbolic society.He gave a severe blow to the unconscious structure based on Libido.In the present society,there is no unconscious cage that is opposed to consciousness.Baudrillard thinks that the basic determinism theory is undoubtedly deceptive continuation of production—reproduction.There is no physical repression,and no lack of subject.In allusion to the symbolic simulation phenomenon,we can not regard the value of production as a standard of everything,but we must recognize the self-subjectivity that transcends the binary opposition between true and untrue from the level of symbolic exchange.Transcending all the fear of social death.
Keywords/Search Tags:Freudian, body, subject, critique
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