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A Poetic Study On Ballad-styled Modern Poetry In 1940s

Posted on:2019-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566480286Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The creation and development of the ballad-styled modern poetry is an active experiment in the history of Chinese modern poetry.At the beginning of the modern poetry creation,as an important creative resource of modern poetry,ballad was first integrated into modern poetry creation by Liu Dabai and others.In 20th century,there were four large-scale creative movements about modern poetry imitated ballad.The early stage of the New Culture Movement,Liu Bannong,Shen Yinmo and other poet,they tried to combine ballad and modern poetry to create under the influence of a campaign to collect folk songs started in Peking University.The Chinese Poetry Society advocated modern poetry imitated balled in 1930s.During 1940s,the trend of long narrative poem and short satirical poem in the form of ballad separately rose in CPC-Ruled Region and KMT-Ruled Region.And there were also the New Folk Song Movement in the context of the Great Leap Forward.However,in 1940s,the creation of ballad-styled modern poetry lasted the longest time,left the most achievements,and achieved the highest artistic achievements.That left a great space for academic discussion.In the introduction,the present situation of the research on the ballad-styled modern poetry in 1940s is summarized.It also expounds the reason,value and research direction of the topic.Finally,it briefly explains the concept of the ballad-styled modern poetry.The first part focuses on the historical context in which the ballad-styled modern poetry came into being in 1940s.The cultural context of popularization of Left-wing Literature,the discussion on the"nationalized form"and the political impetus after the publication of the Mao's Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art,all these influence the creation and development of the ballad-styled modern poetry.The second part is to sort out the poetic connotation of the ballad-styled modern poetry in 1940s.The extensive application of the ballad-styled modern poetry has its unique demand and modern connotation.The bold treatment of narration and lyricism in long narrative poem in CPC-Ruled Region pushed modern Chinese narrative poem to the peak of creation,but there were also contradictions and conflicts.The third part tries to use the"Old Form"to explain of"New Thought"in the special historical background of the ballad-styled modern poetry in 1940s from the macroscopic angle.Which faced with the aesthetic problem of"both popular and artistic".But it also dared to actively carry on the aesthetic attempt from"folk form"to"nationalized form"in the conflict between"new"and"old".It left great wealth for the development of contemporary modern poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ballad-styled Modern Poetry, 1940s, Poetic connotation
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