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On Sinicization And China-Review Of The “New Qing History”

Posted on:2019-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330563453380Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When Evelyn Rawski was elected president of the American Academy of Asian Studies in 1996,she made her inaugural speech “Presidential Address : Re-envisioning the Qing The Significance of the Qing Period in Chinese History”,which mainly aimed at Ping-ti Ho`s view and his paper “The Significance of the Ching Period in Chinese History”.After that,Ping-ti Ho responded her criticism and debated with her in “In Defense of Sinicization : A Rebuttal of Evelyn Rawski`s:‘Re-envisioning the Qing'”.This two rounds controversy clarified the trends and tenor of “New Qing History” further,attracted more concern and this paper take it as the topic.This essay includes four chapter and the preface.The preface explains the reason and reviews the present research.The body starts with the beginning and analysis the theoretical basis,the character of “New Qing History”.Then “sinicization”and “China” is discussed as two controversial issues,moreover,the relationship between “sinicization”and “The Manchus Way”,“China”and “Inner Asia”also have addressed as the foundation,to rethink how the ideas of “New Qing History” inspired and challenged the research tradition,and to reveal the ideological position they hold.At last,try to transcend the current debate and bring up a new approach in the research of Chinese History.The first chapter pointed,it is “Manchu centered ideology”?“perspective of Inner Asia”?“on conquest dynasties”?“global horizon”?“monism”,nation(ethnic)and nation-state,etc.theories that support “New Qing history”research,and have aroused series of representative works,which based on “Manchu”,denied “sinicization”,emphasied “Inner Asia”,challenged “China”,and show their characteristics with the use of multilingual,the universal treat of Europe and Asia,the cohere of global.The core issues should be “sinicization”and the identity of China in these topics given above.This is the content of the second chapter and the third chapter.The “China”,it is not mere belongs to political and geographic category,more importantly,to cultural category,ultimately,to historical category.It is multivalent word in historical condition,and this determines that the phenomenon of “sinicization”,was not in contradistinction to “The Manchus Way”,can`t be ignored by no means.“Inner Asia” is not corresponding with “China”,latter should be considered as a whole country.Indicate,“perspective of Inner Asia” is out of focus,and then put“perspective of nation”in a awkward position.The fourth chapter comes back to the understanding of “New Qing history”.It was undeniable that these theories,such as“The Manchus Way”?“Inner Asia”,impacted traditional methods in Qing history research.On the one hand,the impacts contribute researchers to construct a new interpretation system,which is inclusion and extensive,to go beyond the traditional “Central Plain standard ”and “sinicization”,to merge the Mongolia,Manchuria,Tibetan and Xinjiang in the research and narration of big history and in the process of Chinese civilization in conscious.On the other hand,these theories are methods infiltrated with ideology.In general,to exploring a new path are clearly in order in the research of Chinese history.Based on the wisdom of the predecessors,this paper suggests that we can still interpret,expound and integrate the development and changes of Chinese history from the angle of "Diversity in the Unity",because in terms of Chinese history,there can be no unification without the main ethnic.If there are no ethnic minorities,they are not unified;The diversity is insignificance if it can not become unity.The unity will become hollow if it can not include diversity.What is of great importance is the model of "Ding(?)" or "T" proposed by Professor Luo Dongyang.In addition,other representative expositions are: Zhao Yifeng's "Chinese civilization cohesion theory";Ge Zhaoguang's "looking at China from the periphery";the historical view of "Great Unity(Yi-tong)" put forward by Mr.Yang Nianqun;Professor Liu Xiaodong's "Learn Ming dynastic enthrone Manchu";Mr.Ye Gao-shu 's "Shen Han Jhuo Jin" and so on.Although these thoughts have different focuses,they are all trying to find new ways to explain the history of the Qing Dynasty and even Chinese.This is the “conclusion” of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Qing History, sinicization, China, nation(ethnic), The Manchus Way, Inner Asia
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