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A Report On The Translation Of From Baghdad To America:Life Lessons From A Dog Named Lava (Excerpt)

Posted on:2019-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is a case study of the E-C translation of three chapters excerpted from the novel,From Baghdad to America:Life Lessons from a Dog Named Lava.It describes the translation process and analyzes the main difficulties encountered during the process with some typical examples.The translation report is divided into four chapters.The first chapter is a description of the translation task,which is an introduction to the translation task and the source text.Besides,it also expounds the significance of the translation task.The second chapter is on the translation process:preparing for translation,translating and proofreading.Then comes Chapter three,the aim of which is to analyze the translation methods for English swear words and long sentences.To be specific,the author of the report mainly translates the English long sentences with object clauses by keeping the original order and adopts inversion,combination and "C Method" to translate the Engllsh long sentences with attributive clauses.As for English long sentences with passive voice,converting English passive voice into Chinese active voice and keeping the English passive voice are what is turned to.Besides,the methods of literal translation,liberal translation and correspondinr translation are adopted in translating English swear words.At last,the report draws a conclusion on findings she found during the whole process and proposes limitations to be improved in terms of the translator's knowledge accumulation,time management and attitude toward work.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-C translation, long sentences, swear words
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