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Course Design And Teaching Exploration Of "Translation Theory And Practice"

Posted on:2018-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z H L G L J O r a z g a Full Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548968253Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China's economy,China's influence in the world is deepening,and the number of Chinese as a second language learners is increasing day by day,and as China's neighbors and the Silk Road must be the country's Kazakhstan,of course,is also essential to usher in a "Chinese fever".With the increasing frequency of economic and trade between Kazakhstan and China today,there is a clear increase in the demand for translators who have high levels of language skills and professional competence in the social market.Kazakhstan International Kazakhstan Language Institute is to cultivate the translation of vocational colleges.Based on the case analysis,this paper analyzes the curriculum of "translation theory and practice" of the international Kazakh Chinese Language Institute,and explores the translation teaching with his own teaching practice and experience.It is hoped that this study can provide some reference for the curriculum design of similar colleges in the same kind and make a contribution to the professional development of translation.The first chapter is the introduction part,mainly about the purpose and content of this study and literature review.The second chapter gives a brief introduction to the research object,and also introduces the translation specialty.This paper analyzes the basic principles of curriculum setting and the factors that restrict the setting of the curriculum through the profile of translation professional curriculum and the setting of "translation theory and practice" course.In the third chapter,I explored the translation teaching of the course of translation theory and practice according to his own teaching practice.Put forward the problems found in teaching practice and the way to solve these problems.The fourth chapter is the teaching theory of "translation theory and practice".The conclusion part summarizes the contents of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation theory and practice, course design, teaching explo
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